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"You saw the way they acted, right?"; Tanaka asked as they finally calmed down after having been caught by Seito

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"You saw the way they acted, right?"; Tanaka asked as they finally calmed down after having been caught by Seito.

Noya nodded, "Do you remember when we said that they looked at each other like a couple when we saw them at the cinema some time ago?"

Tanaka thought back, "Yeah, and today they were once again not really bro-ey. You think they're together?"

Noya thought about it for a bit. It would make sense, after all friends don't look at each other the way they do. However, he didn't know what they would do with this information.

Okay, even if it was true, they couldn't say a word about it to Mizuno, because it wasn't their place to find out about his sexuality and everything and spread it around. Maybe there was a reason behind the secrecy of their relationship.

"I think so, but let's just leave them be now, it's not our place to out him to other people."

Tanka nodded, "Yes, you're right. Let's just eat some ice cream and go to practice later."

And like this the two had found out about Seito, though they had already forgotten why they had started to be interested in his private life and had just continued because it was kind of fun.

"You think Natsumi knows about this?"Tanaka asked after a moment of silence.

Noya had also been thinking about that, "Probably, I mean they're best friends. You think he will ever tell us?"

Tanka shook his head, "I don't know, I would consider us as somewhat friends. I actually grew to like him over the past few weeks when he was spending more time with us."


After Lunch, Seito went up to Kenjiro's room with Kenjiro in tow and sat down on the bed while Kenjiro lay down next to the bed, on the fluffy carpet.

"I was thinking . . .", Seito began.

Kenjiro sat up from his almost lying position. "Like good thoughts or bad thoughts?"

"Good ones, I'd say," Seito responded, making Kenjiro sigh in relief, "Would you say that people are accepting towards gay people?"

Kenjiro furrowed his brow, "Yes, especially people form our generation I'd say. We all don't really care about who loves who."

Seito sighed, "So, if I would, let's say, out myself to some friends from school, they probably wouldn't react negatively, right?"

Kenjiro's eyes lit up, he was happy about the way his boyfriend's thoughts were wandering and immediately placed himself onto the bed, next to Seito. "No, they wouldn't. Remember when I told you what it was like to out myself to the team? Most of them didn't even care. For some it was a bit strange in the beginning but after some time they were able to make peace with me being bisexual. And I think it also helped that I didn't have any expectations. If they wanted to be rude to me because of my sexuality, okay, that's their problem, not mine. I don't need anyone's acceptance to be able to love you, and neither should you."

Seito took all of the words Kenjiro just said in. Of course he was right, but the voice in Seito's head didn't let him come to peace with what he had planned. It whispered insults, illustrated the worst case scenarios and told him that he wanted, or rather, needed everyone's acceptance, that it wasn't as easy as Kenjiro just explained, at least not for him.

"How do you even out yourself? Do I just stand in front of them and tell them "Guys, I know this is random, but I wanted to let you know that I'm gay and in a relationship with a setter from one of your opposing volleyball teams"? I don't think that's good." Seito was beginning to question himself, biting his nails he thought about how he never should have brought all of this up.

Kenjiro took his hands in his own, "I don't really think that it's important how you say it or what you say. As long as you tell them the truth I think that's the right thing to do. There isn't a right way to come out to anyone, you just have to be ready."

Seito nodded, of course Kenjiro was right. "Can I ask you something? You have to swear on your mom's cooking that you'll tell the truth."

Kenjiro smiled, "Technically you already asked me something but sure, go on and I'd never lie to you."

Seito sat up a bit straighter, looking Kenjiro directly in the eyes. "Are you really okay with keeping our relationship a secret? That you can't openly show me affection in public because I'm afraid?"

Kenjiro thought for a moment back to when they got together.

He said that he was okay with keeping it a secret, he liked Seito a lot, therefore he didn't care if he could show affection only behind closed doors and shut curtains. Though, over time Kenjiro grew tired of it, he wanted to show the world that he had an amazing boyfriend of whom he was proud and loved dearly. Maybe this love for him was the only thing keeping Kenjiro in the relationship, he always had the opinion that he could hold on longer and that one day Seito would be ready to be open about their relationship.

"To be honest, at times it annoys me that I can't show people that you're my boyfriend and how amazing you are. But I respect that you're not ready to show our relationship in public and I'll wait until you are ready for that."

Seito looked at him and quickly peppered some kisses on his lips, cheeks and forehead. "I love you, Kenjiro, you're the amazingest boyfriend." He smiled brightly at Kenjiro's flushed cheeks. "I think I am ready. Over the last week I wasn't just sad because of what happened at the family gathering, I was also thinking a lot. And I think that as long as we don't overdo it with the PDA I'm okay. I also want to show everyone that we're together."

Now Kenjiro also wore a bright smile and hugged Seito, "I am so fucking proud of you."

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i dont have much to say here just that i dont even know what im writinf myself. i just put some words here and hope others understand them the way i do


which character is your favorite character in haikyuu? and do you like the fanon or canon version of characters more?


SECRET ; SHIRABUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ