32 | Bonus: Aaron & Foyet

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The night of Hotch's conversation with Foyet....

When Hotch had gotten to his apartment, he could finally breathe in relief that the difficult case was completed and done with. He had wanted to have a chat with Bailee to make sure she was mentally okay after the traumatic case. Aaron had been involved with plenty of cases in the past just like this one. If he was feeling rough and startled by the circumstances of this case. He couldn't imagine how Bailee was feeling. After all she was still a child who had to deal with serious and difficult situations. Dropping his briefcase at his front door and walking to the bar in the corner of his living room. He poured himself a glass of whiskey when heard a whistle from behind him. Turning himself round to see Foyet standing in the doorframe between his living room and dining room.

"Tough day?" Foyet questions looking at Aaron and then at the glass of whiskey in his hand.

"I don't think you're here to be my therapist and listen to my problems," Aaron says dropping his glass on the bar table.

"Since you think you know me so well, why don't you tell me what I did today?" Foyet smirks.

"I'll tell you when you're getting warmer" He adds making Hotch observe Foyet's appearance. His usual smirk plastered on his face. Looking closely, he saw red drops on his white t-shirt. His jeans were black, but his shoes were shiny almost brand new.

Aaron looks back up to Foyet's face "You have another victim; you wore a white shirt to make it obvious that you've killed someone again. You like the feeling of your victim's blood on you, just as you wear the shirt with pride. Proud of yourself for committing another killing without being caught."

Foyet grins "Very close Aaron. Well done. However, you've missed the most important part"

"Which is?" Aaron questions but is scared of his answer.

"The victim"

Aarons heartbeat started to increase "It's not a stranger, that would make me frustrated yes but it wouldn't make me lose my focus as much"

Foyet nods his head "Warmer"

"It would be someone close to me. Not my ex-wife because you would have wanted me to see her being killed. To see my reaction to her death.....Someone on the team" Aarons' hands started to clench.

"I'll give you a hint" Foyet walks into Aarons' living room sitting down on his sofa.

"She really needs to lock her door in the future. I mean seriously I thought you would have scolded her for that. After all you have become very overprotective of her"

"Almost like father and daughter"

"Bailee" Aaron whispers trying not to panic.

"What did you do?"

"It's only a gun shot....She'll be fine.....she's only in this mess because of you" Foyet shrugs.

"Why her? A child. You had the full team to choose from?" Hotch questions. He wanted to kill him. Stab him until he was choking on his own blood. But he needed answers first.

At Aaron's question Foyet's eyes light up "She is a child, isn't she? Might as well be honest, Bailee wasn't on my list until I found something highly interesting"

Aaron furrows his eyebrows "interesting?"

"I do love gossip" Foyet states making Aaron scoff.

"Don't be so sour Agent HotchyWhore. That's what Bailee called you right"


"What if I said I know who Bailee's biological parents are," Foyet says smugly.

"Really? You are here to talk about Bailee's Parents" Aaron asks confused about his behavior.

"Well this chit chat wasn't in my plan but it has become very intriguing since I'm looking at her biological father right now"

"Excuse me? is this another trick?" Aaron asks crossing his arms.

"At first I didn't believe it but then I found out about the daughter you abandoned Daisy Mae Hotchner, right?" Foyet says standing up and throwing a familiar teddy to Aaron.

"How did you get this" Aaron holds the same elephant teddy he gave his baby daughter.

"From Bailee's apartment," Hotch was so conflicted, his daughter the one he abandoned and Bailee a young girl with a broken past are the same person. His daughter. Bailee. Who hated her parents, who didn't want to find them, the ones who caused her to go into foster care.

"Don't worry, she's at the hospital. I did consider her being another victim but then....then I thought it would be even better to see you being destroyed. when she finds out the truth and wants nothing to do with you."

"Really is a shame" Foyet adds.

Aaron was so lost in thought. Foyet was a manipulator, a serial killer, smart this could be another trick another plot of his. But looking down at the elephant teddy, turning it round and looking at the tag seeing the initials he wrote nearly eighteen years ago. A single tear rolled down his face at the thought.

He was so focused on his thoughts and feelings and the elephant teddy he didn't see Foyet walk closer to him. He was snapped out of his shock when he felt an ache in his stomach. Dropping to the floor. Foyet pulls out the knife and stabs him again dragging the knife deeper.

"I could move it a little more. Right up to you're heart. This would all be over" Foyet says kneeling down near Aaron pulling out the knife from his stomach.

"But that's too easier. You have been warned, Agent Hotchner."

"Good luck telling Bailee....well Daisy"


<3 First bonus chapter

<3 Giving you guys to see what happened that night.

<3. There will be another chapter tomorrow since my updating routine has become a mess.

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