49 | B I R T H D A Y

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Nobody will really know the full effects of being abandoned unless there in the situation themselves

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Nobody will really know the full effects of being abandoned unless there in the situation themselves. Some have the mindset that it's as simple as parent's leaving their children and walking away. But it's not to some it's far from it. From other children's insults about not having parents to their own thoughts of not being enough. When mother's and father's day come around and having to be left of the creative card-making lessons. But for Bailee one of the worst day's for her would always be her birthday.

If she wasn't born, her foster mother Sue wouldn't have been killed, her sister Lucy wouldn't have died, Liam wouldn't have killed himself and Brian wouldn't have changed so much if it wasn't for her. It just made sense in her mind that if she wasn't here then everything would have been so much better. Bailee knew something to go wrong but just didn't expect to happen as soon as she woke up.

"Happy birthday, Happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday to-"

The sound of different voices surrounding her and singing made Bailee think back to Brian and what would happen on her birthday. Thinking she was back in the basement she throws her fist in the air not seeing the face that was right next to her.

"Ouch" The voice of Aaron groaning made Bailee rub her eyes and sit up, her eyes widen seeing him holding his eye.

"Oh...my..I'm so sorry" Bailee states cringing at the bruise forming under his eye. "I just...I thought you were..." She looks to see the team looking between her and Hotch in shock.

"I promise...I didn't mean to" Bailee says as her hands shake.

Hotch could tell Bailee was going to start panicking, quickly forgetting about his injury he shakes his head, and sits down next to her on his couch he places his hand on his knee trying to soothe her worries. "Hey. It's fine. Everyone makes mistakes."

"Are you ok?" Bailee questions pointing her finger to his eye.

Aaron chuckles "Don't worry. I'm fine."

"Okay. Um...What's going on?" Bailee looks around the room seeing gold and white balloons and happy birthday banners on the wall.

"We are celebrating Mini Babygirl" Derek states smirking.

"Celebrating?" Bailee questions titling her head.

"It's the first of April" Garcia hints to her favorite hacker.

Bailee slowly nods her head "So it's prank day?"

JJ laughs "Well yes, it is but also someone special day."

"Reid. You're my google so what's so special about today." Bailee looks at spencer who was standing next to Prentis.

Reid scratches the back of his neck "Um Bailee. It's your birthday."

"Ah" Bailee really didn't know how to respond; she obviously knew what today was but was trying to avoid the topic of her hatred for the day she was born.

The team glanced at each other a little surprised at her response to her birthday. Rossi who noticed her behaviour looked at Bailee and tilted his head back silently telling her to follow him. Hotch looks to the team "We'll be two minutes."

Once he entered his kitchen, he saw Bailee sitting on the stool with her head down on the kitchen island. Rossi was standing opposite her with a small frown on his face.

"Bailee?" Hotch questions sitting down on the stool next to her.


Aaron places his hand on her back, "Is there anything you want to say?"

"Only if you want to kid" Rossi speaks up.

"Never liked my birthday" Bailee mutters under her breathe.

"What was that?" I couldn't hear you?" Aaron says softly.

"Never liked my birthday...Brian was always meaner" Bailee quietly explains to her dad and Rossi.

Rossi and Aaron glance at each other knowingly "Okay. How about we celebrate the fact that you have a family now? Dovovan and Chris are coming over soon but we won't talk anything you don't want too."

Rossi nods "Yeah. Bailee's in charge today. You're the boss today."

Bailee looks to her head with a hopeful expression "Really?"

Aaron softly smiles at her "Anything to make you happy. However, you do have presents and don't think you do not deserve them because you do more than anyone. You have gone through so much and should be proud of yourself."

"What about Jack?" Bailee questions.

"We will talk to Jack tonight. He probably won't understand till he's older but for now, the focus is on you, Bailee." Aaron confesses. He did want Jack to know who Bailee was and should have done it ages ago but the only thoughts that were in his head with making sure Bailee had the best birthday she could.

"Alright. I'll have to go back to the apartment. Joggers and an oversized hoodie isn't really party vibes right" Bailee tries to joke.


Aaron stands up from the kitchen island holding his hand out for Bailee. Confused she looks at Rossi who has a reassuring smile on his face she takes her dad's hand and follows him walking down the hallway. Finally, they get to the end and stand outside of a door Aaron takes a step back and gently pushes Bailee in front of him.

"Open the door"

Rolling her eyes she opens the door and walks inside the room and freezes, looking back to her dad she whispers "What?"

"Even though you are now eighteen, I've missed too many years of your life. It's completely up to you but if you would like to move in or stay here any time. This is your room, and it will always be open for you." Aaron carefully explains.

Bailee opens her mouth to speak but no words come out. "You want me...to stay here."

Aaron nods with a smile "Of course I do. You are my daughter and want to make sure you are safe."

Bailee rushes into his chest and wraps her arms around his waist "Thank you."

Aaron leans down on kisses her forehead "No need to thank me, sweetheart. There are already clothes in you're wardrobe. Once you're ready we'll be waiting for you."

Aaron closes her bedroom and starts walking back to the kitchen finding Rossi still there taking a sip from his glass. Sitting back down at the kitchen island where he was just before he smiles, happy that his relationship with Bailee was getting stronger.

Rossi smirks "I know that look."

Aaron shakes his head and sighs "I don't even have to ask do I."

Rossi chuckles lightly "I knew you would start thinking about it the moment you realized she was your daughter."

"She needs me. she might be eighteen, but she hasn't been able to have those childhood moments in the past." Aaron says looking down at his glass "With her Anxiety as well it just made my decision easier."

"If you're worried about what others would think. They will be happy for you and for Bailee" Rossi concludes.

"Before I do it. I need to have a conversation with Strauss first." Aaron looks up at Rossi who has a grin on his face. "You already did didn't you?"

Rossi laughs "As soon as I walked into her office she knew what I wanted."


Omg Bailees eighteen....

Aaron's and rossi conversation was suspicious...

Would you want a bonus chapter of the day Haliey left Bailee? And Aaron's reaction?

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