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Serenity "Sin" Love
May 29,2019
Fat House Party

At this house party having fun with Mae. I mean we here to celebrate Fat birthday well bring it in. We pre game before we got to the house and been drinking since we got here.

"From the front door to the back!" I yelled. "This my shit!" Getting ready to twerk.

Once that beat drop I had to let loose. But not too loose cause we are here with overprotective niggas. I just knew I was going to dumb when I felt someone get behind me. I thought it was either Key or Mae cause they was the closest ones to me. So I started going even mo dumb til I got my ass snatched the fuck up.

"The fuck you doing?" Key grabbing my arm.

Confused, "I thought you was behind me."

Dragging me away, "Yo ass knew I went to get smoke." He said.

"Boy no I didn't." Snatching my arm.

Grabbing it again, "Don't get fuck up."

"I'm going with Mae." Walking away.

I went to where she was and started back turning up.

"Why yo big head ass left me?" Asking her.

"Girl cause Trey told me he was here and wanted me to come get him." Smiling hard as fuck.

"Girl he got you gone." Happy for her.

Rubbing her cheeks, "Girl no he don't." Lying.

"If you say so." Shaking my head. "Sooo am I going to meet him tonight?" Asking.

Shaking her head, "No but tomorrow I'm planning a bowling night for everybody so y'all can meet him." She said.

"Okayyy!" Too happy.

•Mid Party•

I was twerking on Mae and I knew it was her cause I looked back. But then we just started twerking on each other. Outta the blue somebody squeezed between us. I got up so quick to see if it was some weird nigga. We just moved and went to the other side of the party. And his weird ass followed us over there.

"Aye what's yo number?" Asking me. Ignoring him, "You got a man?" Asking.

"Yea now can you go away?" Trying to be nice.

Rubbing his hands, "Once I get yo number."

"GET YO WEIRD ASS ON!" Mae said.

Turning to her, "BITCH GET THE FUCK...." She cut him off.

"BITCHHH!" Offended rightfully so.

"YEAH BI...." Outta nowhere Key rocked this nigga.

Woo and Fat followed stomping this nigga. Afterwards they put him out by dragging him. I felt bad but not at the same time cause he was a weirdo. Mae ended up leaving me and going by Trey.

"STAY YO ASS BY ME!" Irritated.

Rolling my eyes, "And why you yelling at us?"


Smacking my lips, "Whatever."

•The Next Day•

Mailani "Mae" Cathey
May 30,2019
Bowling Alley

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