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May 29,2020

Everybody was up and about trying to get they self together. The first people to sit down was Key and Serenity.

"Good morning." Serenity said to the chef.

Sitting their cups of water down, "Good morning." Speaking to the both of them.

"Good morning." Key said.

"What could I get you to drink?" The chef asked.

"2 mimosas please." Serenity said.

Key looked at her, "Damn you starting already?" Asking her.

Laughing, "It's for the both of us." She said.

Key ain't say nothing all he could do is nod his head. The chef went to get their mimosas. They was sitting there for like 10 minutes waiting on everybody.

"Damn what's taking them so long?" Serenity checked the time.

Key shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know but I'm not finnah wait no longer." He waved the chef over. "You could make our plates cause ain't no telling how long they gone be." He told the man.

The man went to fix they plates and sat them down in front.

"Thanks." Serenity said to him.

They started eating they food so they could get they say started. Tori, Ju, and Fat made they way to breakfast.

Sitting down, "Good morning." Tori smiled.

"Good morning." Key and Serenity said.

"Waddup." Ju nodded his head.

Clapping his hands together, "Wassam!" Fat sat down all happy.

"Why the hell you so happy fa?" Serenity asked.

Looking at the chef, "I'm ready to eat whenever you get a chance." He told the chef. Looking back at her, "Nigga woke up in the Bahamas." He said.

Smacking her lips, "Boy."

"That's yo problem always trying to hate on a real nigga." He said.

"Ain't nobody hating on yo ass." She said.

Tori jumped in, "What y'all got planned today?" Asking to change the subject.

"We going to the beach and find local food spots to try out and prolly go shopping." Serenity said. "What you got planned?" Asking Tori.

"All the single people are going to find shit to do." Tori said.

"Damn." Key said holding back his laugh.

Ju felt played a lil, "The fuck is so funny." He said.

"Single life." Key said.

Serenity looked around and quickly put her head down, "Nigga." Ju said.

"What?!" Key asked

"Niggas finally get right with they girl and wanna shit on us single people." Ju said.

Tori shook her head, "Shit don't make no sense." She agreed with Ju.

"I'm just saying." He wrapped his arm around Serenity.

Serenity just smiled awkwardly without saying nothing and ate her food. Key just wanted to rub it in their faces but Ju and Tori wasn't having it. Trey came down the stairs with Mae right behind him.

DANGEROUSLY IN LOVE| A Key Glock StoryWhere stories live. Discover now