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Serenity "Sin" Love
May 30,2020


"REMIX..." Fat yelled out.

I chuckled as we all started singing the black version. Mae was just smiling ear to ear with Trey by her side. They were too cute I'm happy my friend finally found somebody who gives her the same energy/ love back.

Feeling an arm wrap around my waist, " You good?" I jumped a lil when Key whispered in my ear.

Nodding my head, "Yeah." Snapping outta my thoughts.

"Before we get to drinking I just wanna say thank you all for coming out here to celebrate my birthday with me. Uhmmm words can't describe how happy I'm truly am. Y'all make life worth living everyday. Not only are we celebrating me getting to see another year on this earth but also for that conniving bitch Kaylee for getting arrested today for what she did to my best friend. I'm happy you're getting the justice you deserve cause you didn't deserve that." She paused for a second trying to fight tears.

I could feel eyes on me and I instantly felt embarrassed for whatever reason.

Walking over to me, "I know you don't like being put on the spot like that but I had too because this is a great day." Hugging me. I hugged her back, "Now let's get fucked up for the both of us." Letting go kissing my cheek.

I gave an awkward laugh as everybody made their way over to us. Somehow Mae convinced them to do a group hug for me even though I ain't need it but I definitely appreciate it. Once everyone let go Key pulled me to the side.

Holding my hands, "You good ma?" Asking.

Nodding my head, "Yeah...you know uhmm just feel bad lowkey." Telling him.

"Why?" Raising his eyebrow up.

Shrugging my shoulders, "Cause it's pose to be her day and somehow I made it about me." I said.

Smacking his lips, "Serenity you good....you know Mae don't care bout that if she did she wouldn't have brought it up." Trying to make me feel better.

Sighing, "I guess." Trying to shake that feeling off.

"You wanna step away for a minute to get yoself together?" Asking me.

Shaking my head, "No I'm good."

He just stared at me and I could feel him staring at my soul. I wanted to breakdown and cry so bad but just held it. I didn't wanna seem like an attention seeking bitch. He gave me lil kisses on my forehead.

"Alright love birds that more than enough come get a shot." Mae came breaking us up. She looked at me, "You good?" Asking me concerned.

"Yeah." I said.

What the fuck? Is my face saying something completely different than what I'm saying. I could tell she ain't believe me but oh well I put on this fake smile and got "happy". Just so they could stop asking if I'm okay. Key gave me a kiss and we went back to the group.

Grabbing our shots, "This is for making it another year around this world and for Sin getting justice." Mae said.

We took them and started having fun. This definitely helped changed my mood.

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