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Serenity "Sin"Love
February 5,2020
Police Department

Opening the door for me, "Good morning Ms.Love and Ms.Higgins." Detective Bell said.

We sat down, "Good morning." We said at the same time.

He sat down, "First I just wanna say I apologize for not returning your calls sooner. But a big break in the case just came through a couple of days ago and we had to hop on this." He said.

"So do you have a suspect or something?" Granny asked.

"Serenity do know you a woman by the name of De'Shayla Barnes?" Asking me.

Nodding my head, "Yeah...we were friends at one point of time. Why?" Confused.

Taking out a notebook, "And do you know a woman by the name of Kaylee Grey?"

Nodding my head, "Yes we also use to be friends. Why?" Asking again.

"Uhmm we got some information that one of them might behind what happened to you." He said. "So can you give me a rough time frame about your friendship with Kaylee first and then De'Shayla?" Asking which made me even more confused.

Nodding my head, "I met her in high school when I moved down here to live with my granny. Uhmm we became cool and eventually that led to us being friends. I would say like a year or so ago...I don't really remember but we uhmm stopped being friends. On my birthday Kaylee and uhmm De'shayla ended up jumping me in the club. On halloween me and my bestie, Mailani, ended fighting the both of them. That's pretty much that story." I said.

"And which one did you fight?" Asking.

Clearing my throat, "Kaylee." I said.

"Okay and did anyone of them make ANY threats towards either or you?" Asking.

Thinking for a second, "Uhmmm Kaylee told me that I done fucked up. And uhmm then my house got shot up." I said.

I feel as though Kaylee is behind this more than De'Shayla cause she is Kaylee lil puppet. Ohhh if her ass really did all of this I wanna know why. Cause our beef was never that serious enough to try to kill me. But then again hell some people are crazy and just don't give a fuck.

"Okay." Writing notes down.

He told us a lil information bout the update but not too much. Then he sent us on our way. My granny dropped me off to Mama Tina house. She said she had to go handle business.

Walking in the house, "Where is yo granny?" Mama Tina asked.

"Uhmm she just dropped me off and said she got  to go handle some business." I said.

I just went up to the room to go lay down. I was tired and my jaw was starting to hurt from all that talking. Even though I'm in therapy and it has helped a lot but every once and awhile my jaw hurts. I was just laying down on my phone when Mae came and sat next to me.

"What happened?" Asking.

Rolling over, "They have suspects." I said.

"Who is it?" Desperately wanting to know. Giving her that you know bitch look, "Say swear?" Jumping up.

"Swear." I said.

Pacing back and forth, "Ohhh no we gotta kill that bitch." Getting mad.

Sitting up, "No need if her ass going to jail. Why ruin our lives while hers is gone down the drain?" Saying yo her.

She wasn't trying g to hear that, "Sometimes you are just too nice. And it's always at the wrong time. I'm telling Key and we gonna do something bout it." Walking out the room slamming the door.

DANGEROUSLY IN LOVE| A Key Glock StoryWhere stories live. Discover now