Chapter 4: Patty Cake

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After the show, Eddie had dragged (Y/n) to the back stage area to try and find Jesse Rabbit's dressing room, and had been lecturing her for the past 10 minutes.

"Don't you start getting distracted by that Toon. Remember was Maroon said? He's poison! He's no good for you, and you'll do well to stay away from him, understand?"

"Yes! For the millionth time, yes!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "Look, nothing even happened."

Eddie whipped around. "Nothing happened?! That Toon had his hands all over you."

"He just caught me off guard Uncle Eddie. I wasn't expecting him to look like that, and I was surprised and I know you were too." She accused. "But it's over now, so let's just get the pictures and drop it okay?"

(Y/n) didn't give her uncle the chance to respond, and started marching down the hall and around the corner, only to come in contact with someone's back.

Eddie had turned the corner as well, but jumped back behind it when he saw that she had bumped into someone.

That someone was the handsome Toon man, Jesse Rabbit. He had changed out of his sparkly suit and was now wearing a cherry red suit with no sparkles.

He turned around, looking confused, but when he looked down and saw (Y/n), he smirked.

"Well, hello again." He greeted.

(Y/n) gulped and gave him a nervous smile. "Hello."

"You know, you're really not supposed to be back here. You could get in a lot of trouble." Jesse told her, although his voice was more flirtatious than serious.

"I-I know. Uh, I" the Toon girl fumbled over her words trying to think of an excuse as to why she was back here.

Meanwhile, Jesse was just staring at her amusedly. He found it cute how she kept fumbling over her words. He placed his hand on the wall by her face and leaned closer to her.

"You just what, Doll?" He asked.

"I just...wanted to say sorry." She told him.

Jesse was taken aback by this. He wasn't expecting that. "Sorry?"

"Yeah. You know, for interrupting your performance. But I also wanted to say thank you for saving me from being trampled by your fans." She explained.

Jesse stared at her in shock. No woman had ever been so polite and considerate to him before. Usually they only ever wanted to flirt with him, or get inside his dressing room, if you get the idea.

Jesse smiled. "My pleasure Dollface. If anything, I'm the one that should apologize to you for making you dance in front of the whole club."

(Y/n) waved him off. "Oh, it's fine. I actually had fun. You're a very good performer by the way." She complimented.

Jesse reached over and touched took her hand and pressed a kiss to it. "Why, thank you."

He was intrigued by this little Toon. Not only was she a sweet little thing, but she was also very pretty. Jesse's eyes trailed over her, taking noticed of how her dress hugged her body, and how her bare legs seemed to go on forever. He definitely needed to get to know more about her.

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