Chapter 6: Finding Roger Rabbit

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Eddie climbed the stairs that lead to his office, but when he turned the corner, he saw the backside of a woman bent over a baby stroller.

Eddie couldn't help but check her out a bit, until he saw her lighting a lighter and lowering it in the crib.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey, wait a minute! Hey, hey!" Eddie panicked, and tried to stop her, until he saw that it was Baby Herman in the stroller.

"I've been trying to make him quit, but he won't listen to me." The woman explained.

"What do you know, ya dumb broad? You got the I.Q. of a rattle." Baby Herman insulted. "You Eddie Valiant?"


"I want to talk to you about the Acme murder."
Baby Herman turned to the lady pushing his stroller. "Hey, psst. Doll, why don't you run downstairs and get me a racing form?"

Baby Herman smacked her butt, as she left. "Ohh! Okay, okay. I'm goin'."

"A ladies man, huh?" Eddie asked sarcastically.

"My problem is I got a 50 year old lust and a three year old dinky." Baby Herman said. "Speaking of which, don't you got a niece that works with you?"

Eddie eyed Baby Herman skeptically. "...yeah."

"Is uh, is she coming?" He asked, glancing around the hall as if (Y/n) would magically appear.

"What do you want?" Eddie snapped.

"Look Valiant, the rabbit didn't kill Acme. He's not a murderer. I should know. He's a dear friend of mine. I tell you Valiant, the whole thing stinks like yesterday's diapers."

Baby Herman pulled out a newspaper and handed it to Eddie. "Look at this. The paper said Acme left no will. That's a load of succotash. Every Toon knows Acme had a will. She and her late husband promised to leave ToonTown to us Toons. That will is the reason she got bumped off."

"Has anybody ever seen this will?" Eddie asked.

"Uh, no. But they gave us their solemn oath." Baby Herman promised.

"If you believe that that woman could do anything solid, that gag's on you pal." Eddie said, turning Baby Herman's stroller around.

"I just figured since you were the one who got my pal in trouble, you might want to help him out. I can pay ya." Baby Herman offered.

Eddie became angry at this. "Save your money for a pair of elevator shoes." Eddie grabbed Baby Herman's stroller and pushed him down the hall into the woman who went to go get him the racing form.


Eddie placed the newspaper on his desk. "It's not my fault the rabbit got in trouble." He told himself as he knocked back the rest of his drink. "All I did was take a couple of lousy pictures."

Eddie went to take off his suspenders when he noticed something in Marion Acme's dress pocket on the cover of the newspaper.

He took out his magnifying glass and looked at one of the pictures of Marion Acme he had taken and looked closer. In her pocket was a piece of paper that said 'Last Will and Testament.'

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