Chapter 8: Car Chase

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Eddie, (Y/n), and Delores rushed into the bar to see Roger standing on the bar dancing and singing for the customers. Eddie watched furiously as Roger began smashing plates on his head.

He grabbed Roger by the ears and dragged him to the secret room and through him inside. He landed with his head inside a bucket.

"Hey, who turned out the lights? I can't see a thing? What's going on?"

"You crazy rabbit! I've been out there risking my neck for you. And what are you doing? Singing and dancing!" Eddie shouted.

Roger took the bucket off his head and backed away as Eddie approached.

"But I'm a Toon. Toons are supposed to make people laugh."

"Sit down!"

Roger did. "You don't understand. Those people needed to laugh."

"Roger, please. You need to be laying low right now. You're wanted for murder for Pete's sake." (Y/n) told him.

"Yeah and when they're done laughing, they'll call the cops. That guy Angelo would rat on you for a nickel!"

"Not Angelo. He'd never turn me in." Roger reassured.

"Why? Cause you made him laugh?" Eddie asked.

"That's right. A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have. Laughter is the most—."


The lights in the room were flashing red.


Delores had hit a button under the counter to warn them. Judge Doom and the weasels had just entered the bar.

"I'm looking for a murderer." He said, lowly. "A rabbit. A Toon rabbit."

"Look, there's no rabbit here. So don't harass my customers." Delores told him.

"I didn't come here to harass. I came here to reward.

Doom went up to a chalk board and wrote 'Rabbit Dip, $5000' on it.

Angelo whistled lowly at the amount of money. "Hey, I seen a rabbit."



"See? Told ya." Eddie said to Roger as the three of them looked out of the spy hole.


"He's right here in the bar." Angelo threw an arm around something invisible. "Say hello Harvey."

Angelo and the other guys in the bar laughed.


"See, I told ya so." Roger said smugly.

"Huh. Whatta ya know." (Y/n) mumbled.


The Judge walked over to the record player and picked up the record that Roger was singing to.

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