1-7: Defeat Ronan

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Third P.O.V

After they came up with a more solid plan, everyone split to gear up. River followed after Rocket. "So,...you were worried about me?" River asked as she placed her hands behind her back and looked at Rocket, who was avoiding eye contact. River stood in front of him and kneeled down. "Just wanted to say thank you. It's...nice to have someone else worry about me besides my brother." River said with a smile. "Ok, fine. Yes I was worried about. you. Happy?" Rocket said as he crossed his arms. River smiled and kissed him on the head as thanks, and as a sign of small affection. She then stood up and walked down the hallway to get ready. Rocket stunned a bit, and couldn't help but take in how pretty her hair was, or how her hips swayed as she walks. Rocket shook his head to snap out of it and went to get his blaster ready for the battle.


After everyone got suited up into new clothes and new gadgets, they gathered everyone around to discuss the plan. "The Stone reacts to anything organic. The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge. " Gamora said as she talked to the Ravengers. "All Ronan's got to do is touch the stone to the planet's surface and zap. All the plants, animals, Nova corps." Peter listed out. "Everything will die." Gamora emphasized. "So Ronan does not make the surface." Peter said. "Rocket will lead a team to blow a hole in the Dark Aster's starboard hull." River explained as she pulled up the imagery on the screen. "Then our craft and Yondu's will ender." Peter finished off as he pointed at the screen. "Wont there be hundreds of Sakaaran soldiers inside?" Kraglin asked. "I think of Sakaaran as paper people." Drax said, making Kraglin punch him in the shoulder with a smile.

However, Drax took offense to the simple gesture, giving Kraglin a grumble in distaste. Making Kragling wither back a bit as he looked away from Drax. "Once they know they're on board. Ronan will isolate himself behind impenetrable security doors on deck. Which I can disable by dismantling the power source." Gamora said. "We'll make it to the flight deck, and I'll use the Hadron Enforcer to kill Ronan." Peter said. "Once Ronan is dead, we will retrieve the Stone. Use these devices to contain it. If you touch it, it will kill you." Gamora emphasized as everyone was given a device to contain the stone.

"I will contact one of the nova corp officers who arrested us. Hopefully they believe we're here to help." Peter explained. "There's one more thing we need to complete the plan...that guy's eye." Rocket added in as he pointed to a guy to his left, who had a robotic eye. "What is with you and robotic prosthetics?" River said as she gave him a 'really?' look. "No, no we don't. We don't need that guy's eye." Peter reiterated. "No, seriously, I need it! It's important to me." Rocket said with a giggle. River rolled her eyes and chuckled at Rocket's goofy behavior.

"Hey, you two. Remember, after all this. I get the stone." Yondu said as he stopped the Quill twins. "You cross me, we kill you all" Yondu emphasized. Peter and River gave him a look that signaled they understood. River and Peter walked down a hallway. Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot joining them as they walked. River took notice of Rocket adjusting his suit and smirked. "The suit too tight for you Rocket?" River teased. Rocket goes to glare at her and make a snarky remark, but was flabbergasted at how good she looked right now. Her golden hair shining in the luminescent lights of the ship, the suit hugging the right places as she struts. River's smirk growing more when she sees how speechless he is. "Please save the lovey dovey crap for after we defeat Ronan." Peter groaned, seeing the way the two of them were looking at each other. "Let's go get em boys!" Yondu said as everyone went off in their ships. River co-piloting with Rocket. "This is a terrible plan." Gamora said, feeling unsettled. "Hey, you're the one who said you wanted to die among friends." Peter said as him, Gamora, and Drax was in the Milano.


Ronan's ship started to approach Xandar. "A fleet approaches. They appear to be Ravengers." Nebula notified to Ronan. "Fire" Yondu commanded as they shot two giant blasters at Ronan's ship. Nebula jumps back a bit as the blasters hit the force field they had on the ship. Distracting them as the fleet dove under the  ship. "Rocket, River, hurry." Peter said as Rocket flew the ship ahead of them. Rocket and two other ships start to shoot at one spot of the ship to get them in. While Nebula releases all the pilots off the ship to defend.

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