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the dark hugs me

with the hands of a lover.

it takes me in its arms

and carries me somewhere

i have been so many times


here, there are no shadows.

there is no night.

here, the sky is reachable from the


because you can't tell one

from the other.

here, there is no fear,

no hate,

no hurt because,

here, there is nothing.

this place is a dream,

but most know it only as a nightmare.

they all see dark as a scary thing,

but you can't really see

dark at all.

so, let it hold your hand,

let it be who you miss,

let it in.

the light kisses me

with the mouth of a mother.

it talks to me on the

rough days,

and tells me that i still


i am still here, and

i deserve to be.

it thaws my coldness,

warms my eyes.

it tells me that

my best color is sunshine.

but what good would

the sun be if there was

nothing to illuminate?

the dark would truly be

empty if there was no

light to chase.

the stars would just

be far away if there

wasn't a black sky

for them to shine in.

they need each other to exist,

and they can't exist with eachother,

and they're really such

beautiful things on their own

if you

just look.

they circle each other round

and round, like a whirlpool,

like a dog fight,

like two lovers entranced.

like a melody, they fill

the tiniest parts of me,

and i am whole with darkness,

with light.

i am whole.


(hey, i would love to hear what you think of this one! kind of weird lol but it's okay im tired)

still, none the wiser (poetry)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu