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faith these days weighs

little on my heavy heart,

because how can we be sure

that this exhaustion is

not hell?

how can we be sure

that what we fear so

deeply isn't

with us already on the surface?

isn't in the eyes

of the mean,

and in the

collectivity of the dim crowds?

in the throats of the


in the hearts of

the already dead?

we can not be sure.

i envy the people

who don't grasp at answers

to feel okay.

i am always searching with

my hands outstretched.

but some only need

theirs clasped

to know it all.

god, god, god.

how can i be sure?


(sorry if this offends anyone somehow)
(my bad)

still, none the wiser (poetry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz