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the stars aren't such a

magnificent thing

when you're tired.

just eyes in the great abyss.

watching, watching,

never being.

i try to grab one in

between my fingers,

like they're something i can

put in my pocket,

in a little jar,

and keep.

i think i do that because i know i can't

keep you,

and only the impossible could ever

make up for your absence.

but the stars will stay in the sky,

and you will stay gone,

no matter how sickeningly

i cry.

i know you always loved the night.

your neck would

hurt from looking up for

so long.

your mouth would ache

from telling me all

the things you knew,

and how there were so

many things that we will

never know.

you marveled at the moon

and i marveled at you.

you never realized how

much i truly loved all that you were,

and i think it's because i couldn't love

you with the same loudness

of the sky.


all the colors in the galaxy

couldn't paint a true

picture of your smile.

nothing could

capture your

happiness in its purest beauty

except for my hand.

i can't give you the stars,

and i can't be your night,

but i can hold you.

i could tell you all that i love about you

and i could do it forever.

i could sit with you until sunrise

and be what you adore

until the sun sets.

i could get you the stars if

that's all you'll ever want for.

i am tired, and the sky

isn't as bright as it used to be,

but i will look up and marvel

at the lights

with you.


still, none the wiser (poetry)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt