Chapter 1

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"Thanks for staying late. I'm already clocked in so feel free to leave," Sheila walked into the kitchen nearly 20 minutes late, as usual.

"More time on the books for me," I shrugged and proceeded to the break room. As I typed my employee number into the machine my phone began to ring.

I took it out of my pocket, it was my roommate, "Hey babe, what's up?"

"Shouldn't you be home already? Or did you have plans tonight?" His masculine voice was smooth like butter.

"I always tell you when I have plans, Sheila just came late again. I should be home in like 10," I replied as I opened my locker and grabbed my bag.

"Cool, grab some Apple Crown at the corner store on the way please," he told me more than asked me, but our relationship worked that way often. As long as it works both ways, I don't mind the occasional favor. We look out for each other and take care of each other, that's how it's always been.

"Do we still have apple juice?"

"Actually, get some of that too. We're almost out of cereal, chips, fruit and a bunch of other shit too. But I was planning on running to the store tomorrow since it's my week to shop," Judah replied, "But the drinks I need tonight."

"Alright, so I'll be there in like 15 then," I said as I left the breakroom, gathering a few tips off of my tables.

"See you then, love. Drive safe," he hung up. I continued smiling at the customers as I put my phone away. I always made a point to walk through the floor on my way out, everyone tips well since I basically work at a knock off Hooters. I made sure to swing by the bar too.

"Bye, bye Millie," I said energetically to the bartender. A few of the regulars were in there, they'd been hanging around for a few hours now. I like to think of myself as their favorite.

"Leaving already, Babydoll?" I think his name was Jerry or Gerald, slurred from the corner.

"Not without saying goodbye to you!" I played along, he's always been a real big tipper. I walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder as he put his arm around me, grabbing my hip and pulling me toward him.

"Don't forget this," He put a 50 dollar bill in the waistband of my shorts and gave me a firm pat on the left side of my ass.

"I never do, baby. We got a good thing going," I replied flirtatiously and dragged my hand across the top of his back. I puckered my lips and blew him a kiss as I walked away, "Muah! See you next time."

"You take advantage and steal my tips everyday, whore," Millie whispered as I passed her by on my way out. We had a decent relationship, she was my favorite coworker. We always helped each other get good tips, our system was to booze up the wealthier guys and sweet talk them till their wallets were empty. It helped that the uniforms had a slutty country vibe. We all wore short sleeve flannels in a cropped knot with high waisted booty shorts and cowgirl boots. Bandanas were optional but I always wore mine above my knee around my thigh, my color was red. Millie wore white and always had pigtails to play off of the school girl fantasies.

"You'll live," I laughed a little and made my way out of the building.

I got into my car and put my things down. I had a 2019 Hyundai Accent, I bought it new and just got it paid off last year. Loans kind of suck. I went through my notifications, nothing caught my eye except for my new tinder match. His name was Sharron, pronounced "Sho-ron" as it was pointed out in his profile. He was tall with dark skin and a nice body. That's about as far as I look into profiles, he had a picture with a dog too which is cool. I decided to hit him up first, 

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