Chapter 14

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I sighed, laying on my bed. It had been over 24 hours since I'd seen Judah. I left for work without waking him up, and I went to sleep when I got back from my shift at the restaurant. But he didn't get back from the club until a few hours after that. He didn't try to get into bed with me or anything, so he woke up the next morning and went to his internship without saying goodbye either. Which means when I woke up and got ready for work, he was already gone. Now that I was home again, he was at the club working.

He texted me before he left for work this morning, some bullshit about not wanting to wake me up all sweet and shit. It pissed me off, I saw it when I woke up for work at 10. But obviously I had to reply sweetly, so I told him to have a good day or whatever.

I hated the way our schedules worked. I got up and went to the kitchen, I heated up a hot pocket as I poured myself a drink. I was planning on staying up, waiting for him to get home from work so that I could see him. If I didn't, then I wouldn't get to see him until he got home tomorrow night, or maybe the next morning even.

This is exactly why me going to his work for his lunch break with chinese takeout was a normal occurrence. But, I took a nap when I got home from work, planning on getting up and waiting for him to come home. So I missed the opportunity to see him during his lunch. Now here I was, in the kitchen drinking apple whiskey dry at 3 in the morning. Even if I was just going to see him for a minute and cuddle him while he took a nap before his internship, it was worth it. He didn't usually get home until almost 4 in the morning, then had to leave for work again at 5:30. I never blamed him for being so tired, I was the same way when I had to work twice in the same day.

The microwave beeped and I took out my hot pocket and grabbed my cup. I took everything to the table and sat down facing the tv. I was watching "Too Hot To Handle" on Netflix again. I chugged a bit of my drink before I started eating. I was watching the season 2 finale, so everything was extra dramatic for no real reason. I chugged my drink after Marvin won, I actually really wanted Cam to win. After the episode was over I turned off the tv, it was just about time for Judah to be getting home. I put my cup and plate in the sink. My phone was about to die, so I walked into my room and plugged my phone in.

I heard the front door open and close again. I smiled widely, putting my phone on my nightstand. I walked around my bed, and Judah appeared in my doorway.

He smiled, "I thought you were asleep or something."

I shook my head and walked up to him, "I wanted to see you. I missed you."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up, hugging me, "I missed you too, love."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, "It feels like a million years, you know?"

"It always does," He agreed and kissed my shoulder. He loosened his grip but I clung to him, letting him know I wasn't ready to let go yet. He chuckled and walked over to my bed, sitting on it. He started rubbing my back and squeezed me tighter.

"Sorry, I know you're tired. I just wanna be with you for a bit," I said, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Don't be sorry, I wanna be with you too," He pulled back, and I finally loosened my grip around his neck, "Mind if I get these clothes off and nap with you?"

I smiled, "Go ahead. But, I really want a kiss first."

"Just a kiss? You sure?" He raised an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes and tilted my head slightly, meeting his lips with my own. I really needed this, but dear God I was so horny. I pulled away before the kiss was truly over, trying to restrain myself. I swallowed, getting off of his lap quickly.

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