Chapter 33

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I woke up to Elijah's voice, "He won't be an issue though, right?"

I opened my eyes, blinking until they adjusted to the light. I was in my bed, I rubbed my eyes groggily as I sat up, "Dude, I'm not even awake yet."

"Well get the fuck up. What the hell?" He was angry. I finally looked at him, his arms were crossed as he stood next to the bed. I saw Judah laying next to me, waking up as well.

I smiled, "Oh."

"Oh? Seriously?" He laughed sharply, "We just talked yesterday, now you're in bed with him?"

I took the blanket off and sat up, "Relax."

"Did you sleep with him?" He questioned.

"Shut the fuck up. My head," Judah groaned.

I laughed at his grouchiness, "I mean I slept next to him, clearly."

I stood up and walked out of the room, Elijah followed me. I shut my bedroom door and walked towards the couch. Elijah went on, "Why is he in your bed? He was on the couch when I left."

"He hates the couch, he couldn't sleep. I was gonna sleep on the couch but he was making a big deal about me giving up my bed," I explained as I sat on the couch.

He took a moment before responding with less passion, "Oh."

"Why do you care anyway?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"You were cuddling and shit," He scoffed.

"And?" I laughed dryly, "You barely touch me unless I'm naked, dude."

"I'm trying to change that," He defended himself.

"Why, though?" I asked, "What's your motive?"

His expression became offended, "What do you mean why? We talked about trying something between us, didn't we?"

"I said if you wanted to try something we could. But then you just kissed me. There wasn't much of a conversation," I yawned, "Not to mention you don't even like kissing me," It was too early for this, "What time is it?"

"Almost 1. So you didn't get the hint? I want to try something. Is it clear now?" He was standing in front of me.

"Sit down, please," I turned to face him as he sat on the couch, "What do you like about me?"

He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, "I mean, we talked about it. That one night."

"That was a platonic confession, get deep. What makes you feel like you have feelings for me?" I asked.

He was clearly thinking for a few seconds before responding, "I don't know. You just fit into my life perfectly. You make me happy. You're very attractive."

"I know. I feel the same way. Hear me out, don't say anything until I finish," I looked at him, he nodded in response. I continued, "I have a feeling that if you had feelings for me, things wouldn't feel so forced. You would want to kiss me, at the very least. We don't have a spark, Eli. I don't think we actually have feelings for each other. I think we just got comfortable with what we have, we don't want to lose it. So, we're ready to try anything to keep it and safeguard the comfortable situation."

He sat back, not looking at me. Eventually he agreed, "You know, that actually makes a lot of sense."

I laughed, "See, so before you try to jump into shit, just think about it."

He nodded, a few seconds later he asked, "Did you and Judah do anything?"

I was about to force a response when Judah's voice came from behind us, he scoffed, "I wish."

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