"Cold Steel"

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"That blizzard was like- really intense- Knife, are you sure it's a good idea to go out after that? And aren't you... metal? Also, I don't think Oj would-"
"Oh pickle, don't worry about it so much, it's not like we'll freeze- we're just having a bit of fun, if it get's too much to handle, we'll just go back inside."
Explained Knife, as he grabbed his scarf and hat, while Pickle did the same. However, Pickle didn't feel so sure about this. It didn't seem like.. the brightest idea, really. The recent blizzard that just hit left the whole island in a huge snow blanket, you could barely open Hotel Oj's front door. And it was below FREEZING outside, you'd go numb just from holding your hand out of a window.
And, the fact that Knife was, well, a knife- which meant he was metal, was even worse. He'd probably even get hypothermia.

But Pickle didn't exactly want to ruin this for Knife- it was his first actual outing with a friend in a long time- mostly because he's still supposed to be in Season 2 of Inanimate Insanity. But, a new episode hasn't premiered in a while now- maybe Mephone's just planning a finale?
Telling Knife no would just get him upset, and Pickle didn't want that- so, he decided to say yes, as long as Knife promised to wear warm attire, such as scarf and hat. Knife agreed, and now they're about to be on their way, even though Pickle has been having some second thoughts.

Once pickle was ready putting on his coat and hat, they forced open Hotel Oj's door and stepped outside into, what felt like- the coldest place on Earth.


"Hey! Pickle, I bet I could destroy you in a snowball fight."
"Aha- You want to have a snowball fight, with me? Well, I bet you didn't know I'm actually the reigning champi-"
Pickle was cut off mid-sentence with a snowball directly in the face. Knife wouldn't be getting away with that one. Pickled wiped the snow from his face in a swift motion, and quickly ducked down and began crafting a perfect snowball.

And so the battle began, Knife sprung into action and started building up the snow to create a small wall, whilst Pickle was making many snowballs, ready to throw them first chance he gets. No way, was little Knife about to defeat, the reigning, champ-

and that was the second one. In the face, again.
Pickle wasted no time before taking hold of his own snowballs, and he began to reign fire upon Knife's little snow wall.
But Knife was actually, surprisingly good.
Pickle then thought of little-kid Knife participating in snowball fights,- and he began to laugh a little. Which gave Knife another opportunity to strike, and he hit, once again, directly in the face.
"Okay! okay! I forfeit! Please, not in the face again. You win."
"Told you you couldn't stand a chance against me, did you forget your fighting against the number one jerk?"
"Oh, of course not. I never forget that at all."
"Good, you shouldn't."

The atmosphere felt very nice at the moment. Pickle needed to just relax with a friend again, after the time he's had lately, in the hotel with everyone constantly. It's a nightmare.

Hanging out with Pickle was better than Knife thought it'd be, he was genuinely having a really great time. He hasn't gotten to just chill for a moment at all recently. Even though it was really starting to get quite cold. No, scratch that- really cold.
Maybe Pickle was.. slightly right, about the temperature. And being made of metal. Metal and ice didn't exactly mix very well- and Knife felt like he was starting to shiver.
"Knife? are you alright-?" Pickle asked, probably noticing the shivering.
"Yeah- all good d-don't worry about it."


Pickle didn't seem so sure Knife was alright- Pickle was slightly concerned- considering he looked as if he was starting to shiver a bit. Which, usually isn't a good sign. "Hey, how 'b-bout we just go on a walk? Yeah ?" Knife suggested. Pickle, still not wanting to be rude, accepted. Surely, if Knife got too cold, he'd say, right? Like he promised.

After a while of walking in the snow, Pickle felt he should try and check on Knife for a moment, and just make sure he was doing fine.
He wasn't. It even looked like ice was beginning to form on him, and he was shivering like crazy, too.
"Knife?! You uh- don't look so good-"," What-Whaddya m-mean? I'm peachy, dude." Knife's attitude was insane- it didn't match with his current physical state at all- "Kinfe- you don't look very 'peachy' to me." Pickle replied. "Wh-what? No, I feel quite warm, a-actually." Ohh no. Absolutely, not.
"Knife, that's.. not good- we should really go back now, and try and make you actually warm. I didn't add 'watch friend freeze to death' on my 'to do' life today, you know."


Knife decided he'd agree. So he did, reluctantly so.
But he didn't expect Pickle to hand over his coat. That was unexpected. But, he has to admit- it did feel a bit better. Then, Pickle stood closer to Knife, and they began to walk back to the Hotel.


"You guys, did WHAT?" Oj wasn't very pleased, and he expressed that very clearly. The minute they walked back in, Oj was there, Paper standing on his left. Foot-tapping arms-folded and all. They both got the scolding of their lives before Paper made a cup of hot cocoa and offered it to Knife, who still had to defrost. So, after their adventurous day, they ended up in blankets holding warm mugs.
What a day.

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