"Germ living with a Germaphobe"

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Tissues. Really, Oj?
Soap was on the verge of breaking down, what kind of ideas was Oj having? Why, just why would you ever put a living GERM in the same room as someone who DESPISES them? Soap didn't know what to do, build a wall? Get more cleaning products? Sanitise every three seconds? Soap was truly, and utterly- lost.

"AH CHOO, ugh.. sorry Soap... I don't mean to bother you- maybe that wall was a good idea...."
"Yes Tissues. The wall was, and IS a great idea! I don't know how much longer I can stand in here with you. I think I'm already going slowly insane."
"ahhem... I know, Soap, but hey- how about we leave my condition behind us... and be friends!"
"Friends? You? Me? No thank you, I don't think I could survive that. It would destroy me in more ways than one. And- and.. oh my God.. TISSUES WHAT EVEN IS THAT??" Yelled Soap, pointing toward a piece of unknown dirty-sloshy stuff of the floor.
"Oh... uh- I dunno... I probably coughed it out in my sleep or something... it's been there a while.."
"What do you mean by 'a while'?! Like THAT'S not concerning, at all. In any way."


The next hour, it was just a repeat of the same arguing, non-stop. Two opposites, stuck in a room, suffering while Oj and Paper took their sweet time managing who will go where and with who.
Until finally, a conversation commenced.
"I bet you don't even wanna know ... ahum.. how I got my condition."
"What? you weren't like- born with it-?" Soap was slightly surprised. She couldn't imagine Tissues WITHOUT the sickness. "No.. obviously i wasn't BORN with it.. I just- just-", "Please don't sneeze again." Soap then grabbed a pillow and pressed it against Tissue's face. "Uh- as I was saying- I caught it because my family liked travelling a lot."
Soap was surprised, once again. Travelling? Tissues? This seemed surreal. Was she dreaming?

"And there was this strange animal- and it bit me- and I've been- been like this ever since."
If Soap was being honest, she started to feel a little bit bad for Tissues.
"So... then you've just had to live basically with a - ah... uhm.. permanent common cold..?" "Yap, pretty much.. ACH-", and before Tissue's could sneeze, Soap came to the rescue once again with the dirty pillow. "Seriously, - you need to find a cure for that or something- that's really not normal.", "I would- but I'm always kicked out of clinics... I sneeze on the doctors." Oh. Well, Soap couldn't really, help in that department. But at least her and Tissues are on... speaking terms?
Perhaps they're even acquaintances now.

Maybe Oj's strange idea wasn't... too bad.

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