"A not-so Merry Christmas" ⚠️

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The dryers and washing machine's in the hotel were awfully old models. They made an intense racket- and especially considering many people weren't up yet, it was even worse. Washing machines that act as alarm clocks aren't the most pleasant thing ever to awaken to.
Oj leaned against the wall of the laundry room, and waited for the clothes to wash and dry. Most of the clothes belonged to people like Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Fan... People who were more 'able bodied' for clothing items, really. Also those who liked fashion. That's why most of the clothes were Lightbulb's. Ever since she discovered pretty outfits and styles she's never stopped wearing them.
Oj let out a sigh as he waited impatiently for the clothes to be ready. He didn't want to stay there all day, he figured he should try chatting to some people, or ask Mephone about ... last night's conversation.
He surely hoped Mephone had kept it a secret, even if he is a major loud-mouth, usually walking around with that 'know it all' attitude. But, if Oj were being honest, Mephone's vibe felt a little different at his birthday party last night. He seemed more reserved and quiet than usual. The Mephone Oj knew would instantly start singing karaoke, or generating banquets. But that night he did neither of those things. He just sat down at a table and waited for people to talk to him first.

That, and putting season two on a sudden hiatus. Even though it was Christmas... extremely soon, a hiatus seemed a little unnecessary. Most people enjoyed watching TV during the holidays, a day off from the show for Christmas surely would have been enough.
Now Oj had more people to look after for.. he wasn't sure how long. Mephone didn't give a date. Not one he knew of, at least.
Eventually, the clothes were ready. He lifted out the pile of dry ones, and dumped them into the basket for sorting out later. Then he grabbed the wet clothes, and threw them into the dryer.
He was glad the boring waiting part was over, at last.
He picked up the big basket with the dry clothes in it, and carried it away into the second section of the laundry room, where he then placed the basket on a table. It, luckily, wasn't too heavy.
A skill Oj gained during Hotel management was multitasking. He listened out for the clothes in the dryer, while sorting who-owned-what with the clothes in the basket.
As he folded and put the clothes in their respective bags, he thought of something.

He saw Yin-Yang's Christmas jumper they attempted to knit themselves in order to 'try to get along better,' and Oj thought of something.
He began to think about everyone else in the Hotel, and the events that had happened.
Sure, they had a party for his birthday, but that was for him. And it still didn't exactly.. go the best, in a sense, for him, personally.
And the tension during the party- it looked like eveyone was having fun, but deep down it felt a bit forced.
Then again, wasn't that really the point of birthdays?
Oj pressed his hands against the table.
He had to think of something nice for everyone, especially after all of the recent drama.
Perhaps, a party they could all enjoy themselves? A Christmas themed one, for the holidays?
Oj then smiled to himself and stood up straight again.
He had the idea.
Then, as quick as he could, he stuffed away all of the clothing into the right places and got ready to out his idea into action.

A party, taking up the whole Hotel and, perhaps around the outside too, just for everyone. And let everyone design it themselves.
Teamwork and friendship was what the Hotel needed, and it'd be a great opportunity to learn about eachother.
No management, no rules, just realxing.
Nothing has gone too chaotic with anyone lately, and Oj trusts everyone enough to handle this. It should be stres free. Just a fun activity for everyone, something they'd all enjoy. Even including Mephone, and the other two... if they ever came back?
Oj felt confident in this idea.

He took the elevator downstairs to the main room to check and see who was awake or not. Trophy, Soap, Pickle and Knife were all down there.
As he walked towards them he coughed, and they looked at him straight away. Oj felt he mastered the 'Hotel manager cough.'
Once all eyes were on him, he started to announce his great idea.
"Hey, guys. I know it's still pretty early, but I think, for the holidays, we should all create a party for all of us. No managing, not many rules.. besides from laws, and it's for all of you. Not everyone's down here yet, as you can.. see, but I think, since you guys are the first to know.. you could help me send out.. invitation-like things? Like, flyers?"
Oj stood, wondering if he sounded dumb or not. But he knew it was fine when Trophy nodded.

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