Be Mine

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Time flies when you're taking care of a baby. The holiday's were over, and now it was Valentine's Day. Oliver and I always went out on a cute date, and this year he said it was going to be extra special, now that he had some extra cash. On Fridays nights and Saturdays, he worked at the music store in the mall.

Chrys was with my grandpa, who was taking her to the facility to see my grandma. I was glad the both of them weren't going to be alone for the holiday. Even though it was nice to have a break, Chrys was my everything. I'd only been gone for twenty minutes and I already missed her.

"It's really crazy when you think about it," I said, looking over at my boyfriend as he drove us down the highway. "Last Valentine's Day, I was only a few months pregnant. Now we have a baby that's nearly seven months old."

"And we both have our licenses," he said, pulling into the parking lot.

"What? The Aquarium? You've really outdone yourself this year, Ollie!" I said.

"I really want it to be special this year," he said, a slight shakiness to his voice.

"Nervous from your first licensed drive on the highway?"

"Uh...yeah." He got out of the car and opened the door for me. "M'lady."

"Thanks, babe," I said.

We walked up the icy steps to The Aquarium. I'd seen it in the local commercials, but never imagined eating here. It was one of the nicest restaurants in the area. They didn't even let you in unless you were dressed up. I don't know how Oliver even managed to get us a reservation for Valentine's Day, of all days.

"Everston, party of two. We have a reservation for six," Oliver said to the hostess.

"Certainly. Right this way," she said, picking up two menus.

We followed her to our table, which was right next to the big aquarium in the center of the main dining hall. It was cylindrical and went all the way up to the ceiling. All the tables were decorated with candles, red tablecloths, and white napkins.

"Cheers," I said, clinking my water glass with his. "To another Valentine's Day together. And many more in the future!"

"I agree," he said, taking a sip of his ice water. "I know a lot of couples really struggle after they have a baby. To be honest, I was kinda worried about us."

"Me too. I know we've disagreed on some things, but the important part is that we're able to work through our problems, which we have. We made a schedule of who sleeps where and tried to not toss poor Chrys around too much."

"But at the end of the day, we made it. Only a lifetime to go," he said, chuckling. "At least we're in it together."

"Honestly, there's no one else I'd rather have a baby with."

We ordered our appetizers, then dined on a delicious surf-and-turf dinner. Once dinner was over, it was time for dessert. Oliver took my menu and said he had a surprise. I was a little upset. I really wanted the ice cream.

"I'll have the chocolate cake," Oliver said to the waiter.

Huh, That was weird. I only glanced at it, but I didn't think I saw a chocolate cake on the menu.

"Jen, do you ever think about the future?" he asked me.

"Well, yeah, all the time."

"No, I mean, like, for us. You know, going forward."

"What do you mean, Ollie?"

"Well, I know we've been together a few years, and we want to stay together, and we have a baby together..."

I laughed. "I mean, every girl plans their wedding from when they're a preeteen. That's just a fact." I took his hand in mind. "If you're asking if we'd like to get married someday, sure. I'd love to be a happy old couple like my grandparents."

He smiled. "So, if I do ever ask you to marry me, your answer would be a yes, then?"

"Of course! I love you to the moon and back. When that day comes, of course I'll say yes to you, Oliver Jacob Everston!"

The water set a small chocolate cake down in front of me. In fancy, white script were the words "Will you marry me?" I gasped. Oliver got down on one knee.

"I hope it's okay if that day is today," he said, taking a box out of his pocket. "Jen, you're my everything. I'd love to make you my wife someday." He opened the box, revealing a diamond ring. "Jennifer, will you marry me?"

"Ollie, seriously? Of course I will!" I said, putting my hand out to him.

He slid the ring onto my finger, then we had a long, juicy kiss. The restaurant patrons around us were clapping and cheering. A staff member took a few cute pictures of us with a polaroid camera. I held them close to my heart. I was going to cherish these forever.

This was so exciting, but I was a little nervous. I waited until everyone stopped noticing us to start talking.

"You...asked my grandpa, right?"

"Yeah, of course," he said, cutting me a piece of cake. "He was worried that we're young, but I told him that we don't need to get married right away. We can wait a few years. Lots of people are engaged for a while before they get married."

"Oh, that's such a relief. I don't really want to be a teenage bride. I'm not even eighteen yet!"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. We can get married when we're ready."

"That's perfect," I said, looking down at my ring. It was a little small, but that was fine. I didn't want a humongous ring anyway. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, future Mrs. Everston," he said.

Wow. This is crazy. I'm engaged. I'm engaged! I couldn't wait to tell Karen and Nassi. They were absolutely going to freak out. 

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