Girl Power

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I'd never sat in the office with Linda from HR before, other than when I did my very first interview for a cashier, which was six months ago. Having this interview was something I never imagined.

I applied to be on the MT, or merchandising team, thinking I had no chance. My many coworkers were telling me I wouldn't get an interview, let alone get on the team, because I'm a girl. No female has been on the MT in the entire history of the store. It was dirt, dust, heavy lifting, building, and power equipment: all stereotypical "guy" things.

"Jen, I've been here for a long time. I've seen a lot of employees come and go, especially on the front end, in a timespan of six months," Linda said. "You've been here for that long, and you're one of the best cashiers I've seen."

"Wow! Thanks, Linda," I said, sitting up a little taller.

"You really should be proud of yourself. You haven't missed a single day, you come in on your days off when called, you always offer to train new cashiers, and you have more credit card signups than the entire front end combined."

"Well, yeah! I'm a clearance queen. Saving money is my jam. I can't imagine people using their regular credit cards and not saving five percent every time they come in! It's like they're just throwing all that money away!"

"Exactly. So, do you know why I called you in here today?"

"Is it about the MT position I applied for? I know I'm really not ideal for it, but I'd do the best I could if you gave me the chance."

"Which is exactly what I'm doing," she said, holding up an interview packet. I gasped. "You're a hard worker. You have a toddler. You need to buy a car. I don't need to go through this stupid packet of questions about teamwork and customer service, because we all see it. I'm just going to make you an offer."

"What? Really?" I asked.

"I just have to double check with you that you understand this position. It's a Monday through Friday, possible travel commitments, and driving power equipment is mandatory. You're not permitted to opt-out unless you have a medical reason. Do you understand these commitments?"

"Yes. Of course."

"Okay then. How does...twelve dollars an hour sound?"

My jaw was about to hit the floor. That was nearly double what I made as a cashier.

"Yes, of course I'll take it! I won't let you down, Linda!" I said.

"Awesome. I'll just need your signature here on these forms, we'll work with your front end manager to see when you can be released, and then we'll put you with one of the MTs to start training."

That night, Oliver, Chrys, and I ordered some celebratory takeout from our favorite sandwich shop. I told him how excited I was to have my nights and weekends back. Being on register, I could be scheduled for an opening shift that started at six in the morning, any time up to a closing shift, which ended at ten o'clock at night. It was so awful. Nearly every day I had a different schedule.

Even though Oliver was still working the weekends, at least I'd be able to have Chrys and give her some consistency. Plus, now that he was taking summer courses and not twenty credits at a time, he'd be able to spend nights with us as well. It was going to be the best summer in a while. Lots and lots of time to make babies...if we wanted to, of course.

Word spread quickly through the store about a girl being put into an MT position. There were a few male employees that I beat out, and a lot of people were saying things like, "It was rigged," or "She only got it because she was a girl," or "I heard she's a slut. She slept with Ted." Ted was the store manager. He was fifty years old. I had just turned nineteen.

Two weeks later, I started working with the MTs. They gave me a special gray vest, a stark contrast from the forest green one I had on register. It was basically so that the customers would leave us alone.

Training was a little scary, but my boss and teammates were actually pretty supportive. They were just really happy to have some help instead of being down a person. The guy who left, Henry, didn't even give his full two-week notice. He just told everyone that he was going to be a butler for a rich family, make triple the salary he was making, and left.

I wasn't sure which parts of the job I'd like the best, but the demo quickly became my favorite. There was nothing like gearing up in some safety glasses and hitting some melamine boards into pieces with a sledgehammer. It was far from anything I thought I'd ever do as a hip hop dancer. I always imagined myself backing up people like Britney Spears or Beyonce but...this was okay too.

Before I knew it, it was July. Chrys was turning two. How in the world was my baby two already? I knew we had to celebrate, and she still loved Barbie, so we threw her a Barbie party on the back deck. Karen and Nassi were able to make it, along with Oliver's family and my grandpa. The facility was even able to bring my grandma, who was in a wheelchair now.

I had the whole deck fixed up with pink Barbie decorations. Of course, Chrys got a lot of them as presents, too. The biggest gift was from Oliver and I, who chipped in to buy her this insane pink and purple Barbie ride-on Jeep. We had it pre-charged, so she could get right on and ride up and down the side yard. She was all smiles, zooming around in that little car. I couldn't help but notice the empty passenger's seat. Someday. 

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