| CHAPTER 32 |

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It was probably 8pm in the evening .... not a suitable time to sit in a cafe ... right?

but what were you and your best friend doing ... exactly the opposite 

This evening was full of emotional roller Coster for both of you guys .... you guys were crying then busy with reminiscing your school memories 

...Jackson didn't point out the Namjoon's topic after he saw the frustration on your face ...

he smoothly diverted the tensed atmosphere into a different conversation 

he asked about the case progress which you told him ... was not very impressive 

but he was Jackson wang ... he said "huh ... see I'm your lucky charm ... now I came back ... the case will be by your side "

 you couldn't help but let out a small laugh and this is how you and Jackson spend all the evening goofing around in the cafe 

The Cafe was almost empty and the owner was now looking at your table weirdly ... maybe because you guys were talking and laughing since hours 

The cafe owner's face held an expression of 'when are you leaving, I have to close....' you glanced at him and immediately understood 

You looked around the cafe and found only you and Jackson sitting ...

"Um... Jackson ... isn't it too much late ... let's get to home hmm?" you asked your best friend who was busy stuffing his mouth with the pastry 

nevertheless, he nodded and payee the bill 

opening the glass door, the cafe .... cold evening breeze greeted you ... while you shiver and rambled your hands in your pockets 

Jackson came back minutes after and joined you outside the cafe 

you smiled brightly at him ... and he smiled back .... even when his eyes were red due to crying 

"Jax..." you initiated 

"How did you get here?" 

"Umm... I came by walking..." 

and that surprised you because you knew Jackson did own a Car 

"And why is that?"

 "Hehe ... I was nervous as fuck .... so, I thought walking would give me enough time to build up my courage..."

you sighed heavily and dropped you head down 

you can't imagine that you have a face this kind to awkwardness between you and Jackson 

but you are glad that this is all sorted now ...

"Leave it... I'm going to drop you now..." you grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards your car

We Met Again ~ KNJ FFWhere stories live. Discover now