| CHAPTER 50 |

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"Stop smiling!" you yelled at him but he kept his goofy smile on

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"Stop smiling!" you yelled at him but he kept his goofy smile on ...

"Why would I?" He wiggled his eyebrows and smiled suggestively ....

You huffed in annoyance and held your head ...

Looking at your frustrated self ...Namjoon just laughed and kept on driving ....

"This is only an occasional thing.... since you won't let me go alone, so I just accepted a ride from you...There is no need for that victory smile..."

you clarified sternly, feeling weirdly annoyed by his smile ...it's been around 10 minutes that you have been in the car with.... him and since then, all he is doing is smiling and singing a weird tune...

"Temporary or not...at least you are with me..." He spoke and concentrated on the road again...

"What's wrong with you?" You mumbled and opened your phone to text your brother that you were coming home ...in a cab...

"Take a right.... round the corner...and that's it..." 

Your eyes immediately opened...

Minimal sweat was collected on your forehead, while your jaw was clenched in anger...

Kim Namjoon has successfully evaded your dreams too...

It's not a matter of concern but at the same time it is, last night Namjoon had a different glint in his eyes ....

7 years ago, he was an overconfident douche.... but last night ...

His eyes and his expressions were .... soft

You yelled at him ...and tried to sound rude ...but still that softness in those dragon eyes didn't waver ...

'You can't have these kind of thought Y/N ...know what happened to you last time...!'

you took a deep breath and raised your left palm ...you looked at your hand for a good 10 second...before slapping yourself across your face 

"What the fuck you are doing?!" 

Jackson ...who laid beside you, gave you a side eye...clearly judging you ...

you face was stuffed in his chest ...for which you are feeling suffocated 

Since you are 'grounded' for two weeks ...and can't sleep on your super comfy cloudy bed ...you managed to sleep through the night in Jackson's room ...

 Min's siblings never like to share beds ...you kept that in mind and didn't ask your brother if you could share a bed with him ...

wordlessly, you changed your clothes and slept with Jackson ...

Sleep is supposed to make you feel less worn out, yet something opposite happened to you.

You feel more worn out than ever. It was Sunday morning at 10 a.m., and you were unable to get out of bed.

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