| CHAPTER 42 |

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"And then he punched me square in my face

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"And then he punched me square in my face..." Namjoon sighed heavily and glanced at his lap ...because he was too embarrassed to face his brother

Namjoon knew his brother would be dead angry ...on Yoongi to punch him like that .... He was sure about that...

Namjoon was an elite student, right from the very start .... He never made any big problem that would make his paternity question ...

...but since the day you made a re-entry in his life .... he is not himself ...he is ready to do all those things .... from which he kept himself refrain from it...

He is ready to fight with anyone ....no matter who he is.... if that guarantees that you are close to him ...he doesn't care ...at all

His mind is occupied with your thoughts ...

he had started an unhealthy over-thinking over you ...not even a second is wasted without you in his thoughts ....

Due to which alcohol is his new friends these days ...maybe alcohol was helping him get rid of your memories

He was in a huge Delima .... for the first time in life ...he couldn't make any decision to work on...

One side of his mind screams to confess it all to you ...without any care of this world ...but his other side screams .... not to ruin your life again by making himself a part of it...

he is guilty enough to stay away from you ...but at the same time he doesn't want to stay away from you ...

"Hyung, I know you must be feeling very angry-" Namjoon glanced from his lap ...to see his Hyung ...but the not reaction he was expecting from him...It was total opposite from that ....

"Y..you told him to punch him ....and that's what he did..."

seokjin couldn't stop his laugh

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seokjin couldn't stop his laugh .... after Namjoon finished telling him what happened with Min Yoongi, His protective older brother's aura was found disappearing in the thin air

He was laughing so hard that now he was practically laid on Namjoon's bed ...

"Yeah, but he was also telling me to stay away from Y/N ..." Namjoon huffed in annoyance, he was really not expecting this from his older brother ....

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