Regulus POV

"Oh shit, sorry Barts I'm out." I get up to leave but just as I do I get pulled back down. "No you don't." "No seriously Barts, I cant do this." "Hey we're right here aren't we?" Pandora said. "Yeah, bu-" "But nothing. We know how to deal with it, we know the signs of it coming. Just tell us and one of us can leave with you and calm you down in your dorm. Okay?" "Okay." As everybody sits down we begin to talk. "Okay sooo. Never have I ever?" Lily asked "Sure. But," Evan got up and went over to his bed, got a bag from under it, and pulled out a few bottles of White Russian (alcohol)  and a packet of cigarettes "What if we add some, fun to it?" "Oh my merlin Evan you did not." "What can I say Reg you and Dorcas aren't the only fun ones here you know." "You sure about that?" I whipped out a tube of pills. "What did you really believe that these were my meds? I wouldn't just keep them in my pocket." He sat back down and we all got high out of our minds and ended up in my dorm with a muffliato spell (spell that makes nobody able to hear your convorsations) around it.

(This part none of the characters will remember clearly)

Okay sooo, never have I ever,'had a friend with benefits Evan, Barty, Lily raise their hand "NO LILY? Your joking." Pandora yelled. "What can I say? I'm a woman of many secrets." Okay this is probably enough for me." "UGH Reg your no fun." Barty yelled "What do you want me to do, I brought the best blow here and I sudgested the best questions didn't i? im about to pass out and Im a real bitch in the mornings so unless you want to deal with me Bartemius I sudgest you say ah-goodnight." Before anyone says anything I pass out onto my bed.

Sorry this one is really short I have no motivation right now. Okay. Bye lovelies


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