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Me and Narcissa are In the car, Barty and Evan in the one behind. I'm finally in clothes that are more, me. "Kreacher wont see Master Regulus talking to that blood traitor will Kreacher." "No Kreacher, I'd be wrong to associate with him. Isn't that right Narcissa?" "Very right Regulus, we only associate ourselves with the best, pureblood, witches and wizards. We aren't stupid Kreacher." "Kreacher would never think that Mistress." "I know Kreacher." "We are here. Kreacher will grab master Regulus and Mistress Narcissa's bag?" "If that's alright Kreacher." "Anything for my Master and Mistress." As we step out of the car, we see Evan and Barty stepping out of the car with the Rosier house elf holding their luggage. We walk over to them. "Imagine it, everyone staring at us as we walk into the great hall, its only one week until Christmas." "that's right Barty, all eyes on us, its been a while hasn't it." "Imagine how long its been for me." "Don't get ahead of yourself Cissa." "Speak for yourself Rosier." "Lets just go inside, how's that sound?" The house elves walk past us "Kreacher is going to take your luggage to your dormitories." "Thank you Kreacher." I am starving, lets go eat already." "Okay Cissa, but it was your idea to skip breakfast at the manor." "Oh shush Crouch."

We walk in feeling everyone staring at us as we go sit down at the Slytherin table. Lily come running up to us. "Aw Regie, you back." "Hey Lils, How are you." "As good as we can be, Slughorn's going to be so happy your back, he's had to deal with Severus in his class because your spot had to be filled." "lets stop the introductions and sit down, its much more comfortable to talk like that." "For once I agree with Crouch, I'm starving for a good Hogwarts breakfast." "Aww, Cissa, your warming up to me. How sweet." "You wish." We all sit down but I'm stuck staring at the Gryffindor table, Sirius and Remus nowhere to be seen. "Shit. The elves are there." We all get up and walk over there. "Was Master and Mistress talking to a filthy Gryffindor muggleborn. Kreacher will have to tell dear mistress about it." "Merlin, Kreacher, don't say that, we would never talk to a filthy mudblood like that." "Kreacher trusts Master Regulus." "Thank you Kreacher." "Kreacher has to go back to Dear Mistress now. Goodbye Master and Mistress." "Goodbye Kreacher." "Safe travels Kreacher." We go back to the table "You act so different around him." "Well, Lily, he has to report back to my mother, so If we act another way we will get in trouble and, well," Narcissa looks at me. "Its alright, we can trust Lily." We show her bruises all over our arms and legs. "They'll do much worse then this." "Regulus, can I talk to you for a moment." "What's wrong Cissa." "Are we going to tell them about." She looks at her arm. "That." "I don't think anyone is in the place to worry, so we best keep it to ourselves." "I agree. Now where is our favourite marauder?" "I'm not quite sure, lets go look. He is most likely in Gryffindor tower with his boyfriend." "I need to know who the lucky boy who scored Sirius is." "I think you'll get along very well with him."

We arrive at Gryffindor tower and walk in. We knock on the door of their dorm and Sirius answers. "Hey grand frère." Sirius practically jumped onto me. "Gosh, Sirius, he's not the only one whose come back." "Cissa, wow, your back." "Yes I am now who else is in here." "What do you mea-" she shoved past Sirius. "So this is the lucky boy who got my cousin's heart." "Reg?" "I have to say Regulus, I thought he'd stooped low. But I can see that Sirius has nice taste." "Cissa, don't." Remus Lupin, pleasure to meet you." "He's charming isn't he Sirius. Narcissa Black the pleasure is mine." As they shake hands her sleeve falls down. Remus looks at her, scared. "Well, that's enough introduction isn't is Cissa." I swoop In and drag her away looking at Sirius, praying he wont say anything. "Cissa, why don't you catch up with your cousin, I am going to have a chat with Remus here, we'll see you later." I practically push Sirius out of the room. "Please don't say anything Remus." "What do you mean." "I know you saw Remus. Don't bullshit me." I pull up my sleeve exposing my mark. "We had no choice, you don't know how far they go, they've changed since Sirius left. I'm not going to let you tell Sirius, he doesn't need anymore stress right now." "I wont say anything. Just promise me you wont get hurt." "I don't make promises I cant guarantee I will keep." I walk out of the room and go up to the astronomy tower, to find James there, James was sitting down sleeping with his neck to the side. I put my book down next to him and crawled next to him and moved his head into a better position. "What are you doing?" I jumped back when he said that. "Merlin, James." "Why were you crawled up all close to me?" "You were in an uncomfortable position that cause make your neck hurt so I moved you so that wouldn't happen." "Hey, whats on your arm?" I frantically cover up my mark "Nothing, I was just drawing on my arm." "Huh." "So, how've you been." "Hm?" "You left a while ago. How was it." "Fine. I guess." "That tone says it wasn't." "Its just hard, when im so used to being here, being kind of happy, then ging back to a place to everything I do seems like a crime. Its not an easy adjustment." "Im sorry, Baby Black. Why don't you sit down next to me. Might be comforting to have some company." "Sure." I sit down next to him and we start talking. I read him a paragraph of my book and we sat and talked for a while. We ended up falling asleep.


I wake up with him sleeping with his head on my shoulder. I look down at him, he looks so peaceful. He looks almost, pretty. I don't move, and just wait until he wakes up. Stuck with my own thoughts for a while. I end up closing my eyes. And just sitting there. Time flies by and I catch myself looking at him, he looks so calm, not like normal. He's always agitated. Now he looks, almost happy. I've never noticed how pretty he is. I realise what I'm doing and look up at the wall to distract myself from him. What am I feeling? I don't know what to do. I cant seem to focus, and I cant bring myself to move in fear that I'll wake him up. He ends up turning around in his sleep and starts scrunching his eyes and keeps tossing and turning. A tear falls down his cheek. "Hey?" No response. "Hey, are you okay? Wake up." I begin to shake him as he begins tossing and turning more and more. He then starts crying. I shake him slightly and he ends up waking up. Still half asleep, he looks at me. He looks so sad. Like he's in pain. "What's wrong?" He didn't respond to me. He just lay his head back on my shoulder. I put my arm around him. About a minute goes by. "What's the time?" "What?" "Do you know what the time is?" "There's a clock up behind us." "I'm not moving." "I guess you will never know what the time is then" "Tough shit." "Your new friends are probably looking for you." "Well they can spend the day looking for me, and when they find me I'm not moving." "Why is that." "Surprisingly, I'm comfortable here." "Lucky you." "What's so wrong with me?" "Your laying on me in a very weird position." "Leaning your head on someone's shoulder is not weird. Your clearly an only child." "Yes poor me I never had the pleasure of sharing attention, or fighting with my younger or older sibling, how bad a life I've had to experience." "What?" "Huh?" "Hasn't Sirius told you?" "Told me what." "Don't worry." "Hey, come on, you cant just leave me with 'its nothing' after saying it like it's a big thing." "Shut up James." "You called me James, I thought you were mentally incapable of even registering my first name in your brain." "Shush." "Okay Baby Black." "That's not my name." "I really don't care anymore." "Bitch." "I heard that." "You were meant to."

SKIP A FEW HOURS (they got up)

James Pov

"Prongs I need your help." "What' s wrong Pads." "Narcissa is chasing me." "Why?" "I slapped Regulus." "Why?" "He was trying to talk to Moons and he," I look up at him. "Shit Prongs, are you high?" "What?" "Prongsie you son of a bitch." "What's this about Narcissa?" "I'm taking you back to the dorm." "Okay, want a fag?" ""James your an idiot." "Your loss." "Give me one." Where is Moony. We need Moony. Lemme go find Moony while you run from Narcissa. Oh whose Narcissa again?" "Prongs you dumb f*ck. I can get Moons later." "Okay." I put one arm around him and practically carry him to the dorm. In the dorm are Remus and Regulus. "Hi, Moony how are you." "Hey Prongs? Are you okay?" "Moons, love, does he look okay with him on my back?" "I don't know, I'm more paying attention to what your brother is talking about. "Moony," he looks at Remus, mouth wide open. " Your so mean to Padfoot, he does everything and still puts up with that little shit your talking to and you are so mean." "For once I agree with Prongs." "Pads, lets go upstairs and leave these mean people away down here." "Okay Prongs." "Hes so mean to you Padsie. He should be crying right now." "Okay Prongs. You know that they can hear you." "yeah and guess what. He should be the rat. Not Peter Wormy." "Fuck you James." "Fuck you too Moony." "You lot are mad." "Excuse me Regulus. Don't get me started on you. You little shit." "James, go fuck yourself." "MEANIE." "Okay.

Regulus' pov

I walk out of the common room, trying to find Narcissa and hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to Sirius following me. "What's do you want?" " Ouch, I don't always need something from you." "Well, I'm busy anyway." "Busy doing what?" "Trying to find Cissa, about something, well, private." "So private that you cant tell your older brother." He puts his hand over my shoulder. "Yes." "Well, good luck trying to find her, she's probably to busy with Alice." "Wait, Sirius you don't mean." "Yes I do, Petit frère, Cissa is one of us." "And Alice Fortescue, I had no idea." "She can be very secretive." "Clearly." "Well, I'm going to go meet up with Barty." "Have fun, im going to go see Remus." "Don't have too much fun with him." "Fuck off." I begin walking to the Slytherin common room. When I get in, I see Dorcas and Barty talking. "Hey, black. Took you long enough." "Hey Dorcas, how's it going with Mars?" "Amazing, your advice worked." "did you ever doubt me?" "Nobody in their right mind would." "Good to see you're still as bright as you used to be." "Did you ever doubt that?" "Well." She glared at me. "I'm kidding you know." "Wow, Regulus Black joking." I cringe at the name. my arm began to burn. It felt like a bunch of little needles were getting stabbed into my wrist and I could barely move. I fell to the ground. "Shit, Barty." "Okay umm, we need to go. See you later Dorcas." "Um, bye, I guess. "

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