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The next day

Regulus pov

I woke up to my mark burning.  It was 3am. I got up, got dressed and tucked my hair away to hide the green. I then found Barty and Narcissa waiting in the common room. "Reg, have you seen Ev." "No, not sinse yesterday. Why?" "Hey left last night and didn't come back." "What?" "We think he's been caught." "They attacked the same place you did." "Lets just go to the dark lord and then we can figure out him. He might have just stayed there." "Alright." "Lets go."

"Ah, hello." "Dark Lord." "You three need to retrieve your friend." "He and another death eater were captured earlier this night." "Yes dark lord." "Go to the same place you were at yesterday Regulus. Take the other two you came with." "Yes my lord." "You may go." "Thank you my lord." I left and got the others and we went to the hideout.

"Okay, there are many of them here. Stick together no matter what. Agreed?" "Agreed, Just get Evan and the other one, and then leave." "Lets go." We all walked around, there was no sight of anybody." Just then, a member of the order attacked us from behind. We turned around. There was a tall boy in a mask. He then hit us again. (Blah blah blah fight noises they captured the order member.) We took him to where the other four were hiding, with Evan tied to a chair. "Let our friend go, and we'll let him go." "You wish, Moony just break free from him already." 'Moony'? I was stunned, so stunned that he broke free.  I looked at the others, who were as shocked as I was. "Lupin?" they stopped and looked at each other." He took his mask off and it was indeed, Remus Lupin. "Moons, do you know who this is." "Give us back Evan and we wont hurt you." "Barty, stop." "Evan? Isn't that Malfoy?"  "No, that's Evan Rosier. You idiot." "SHIT. Then Malfoy got away." "Take your masks off." They each took their masks off, I froze. "Why are you here." Narcissa picked up her wand and aimed it at the one who didn't take off the mask. "Take off the mask." He refused. "Take it off now." She aimed the wand at his neck. He took it off and it was. "Sirius." I dropped my wand. "Now you, take off your masks." Barty ran over to Evan and apparated with him. Remus looked at me and then Narcissa left. "Take off the mask or I'll kill you." "Pads, you don't want to do that."  "Sectumsempra." I fell to the ground, I couldn't breathe. Narcissa came back. Without her mask. "Sirius what did you do to him.?" I couldn't move. My mask fell off for a split second before Narcissa took me back. I was taken back to the House of Black. Narcissa sat me down and helped me breathe again. She helped me calm down. None of us returned to Hogwarts that night.

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