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The next day


We were back at my house, in my room as usual with the door locked, and sitting on my bed. "So, you ready to talk about 'this' now?" he sighed, "Sure I guess." "So, I've said this before, I like you, and im pretty sure you like me, but we've confirmed nothing so far." "I like you, I really do, its just, what about Sirius, and now even fucking Voldemort is in risk of finding out. Its just, risky. I put my hand on his cheek making him turn crimson. "Don't you think its our turn to be a bit risky too?" "Well," I interrupted him with a better question. "Regulus, can I kiss you?" he nodded and I pressed our lips together. I'd been longing to do this since I woke up. Eventually we had to stop ourselves to catch air, but we almost immediately reconnected our lips in seconds. I paused for a moment, to Regulus demise, and took off my jumper, Allowing Regulus easy access to reach under my shirt and to feel the skin just around my waist. He stopped for a moment and just looked at me. He then resumed and began to grasp my shirt. "Is this alright James?" "Its perfect Regulus." He then used his other hand to grip my neck and pushed me forward so that he could deepen the kiss. His hands travelled further up my chest. He opened his mouth and I slipped my tongue in. My brain felt empty. I heard him whisper a startled, but seeming happy, 'oh' when I did that. The press of my lips against his, before we knew it, Regulus' back was pushed up against the back beam of my bed. This is the best kiss we've shared. I didn't know Regulus could kiss like that, but it felt amazing. After a few more seconds we broke away and he loosened his grip on my neck. "Regulus," He smiled at me. "Will you.. be my boyfriend?" "Of course Jamie." He smiled and then pecked my on the cheek.


I walked into the kitchen and found Sirius talking to Effie and Pete sitting on the ground, playing wizard chess with Remus. I sat down next to Sirius and he put his arm over me. "How are you doing frère cadet?" "Im doing good, how are you frère désordonné?" "Im fine thanks. I was just talking to Effie about going out tonight, meeting up with Marls Mare and Lily." "Nice, I need to go see Cissa and Bella." "Ah, meeting up with the vipers I see." "Mhm, and Maman et Papa. Someone ratted me out about being here." His facial expression completely changes. "You cant go back there." His voice is now a hush. "You know what they'll do." "I'll be fine, ive dealt with it alone for five years, it shouldn't be any different." "Ils ne feront que vous blesser, vous ne pouvez prendre aucun risque ou vous ne savez pas ce qu'ils vont faire." "Its not like they'll go any further than the cruciatus curse. I've gotten surprisingly used to that." I noticed everybody looking at us. I started to panic. "What do you mean, gotten used to it?" Peter asks. I look at Sirius. "You didn't tell them?" "Only Prongs and Moony know." "Espèce d'idiot Sirius." "Ce n'est pas ma faute, ce n'est pas le sujet le plus facile à aborder." "I don't even care anymore, im going upstairs, do what you want Sirius." I just got up and left. Leaving Sirius with everyone staring at him and Remus getting up and sitting besides him.

James wasn't in the room like I'd hoped, so I just sat on the mattress, with my knees pushed up to my chest and my head resting on them. Why didn't Sirius tell them, he got adopted by them for merlin sake. I just sat down and waited to hear Effie start screaming, and she did about four minutes after I'd gone upstairs. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SIRIUS?" I could tell Sirius was getting upset because of the shouting, I could hear it in his reply. "I-I told you everything." "AND YOU LEFT YOUR POOR BOY IN THAT HOUSE, WHY DIDN'T HE COME HERE TOO?" "I-I." "YOU COULDVE ATLEAST TOLD US AND WE COULDVE GOTTEN HIM OUT OF THERE." "H-He didn't w-w." "HE DIDN'T WHAT SIRIUS?" I ran downstairs and comforted my brother, he was basically shaking, and Effie was too shocked and hurt to notice. "I didn't want to leave, if he left they'd not care if I left, they'd kill anyone who was seen with me. I could deal with the pain, but Sirius almost died in that house. I couldn't let him be at risk for me." Effie calmed down and realised what she'd done and how it effected Sirius. "Aw honey," she sat down on the other side of him. "I'm so sorry, both of you." Sirius just hugged her and I got up and left. James was waiting outside the door. "What happened?" "Sirius told them what happened, and your mother yelled at him, but hes alright now." I went to walk past him but he grabbed my hand. "But, are you okay." "Just go comfort Sirius." "Reg," I just walked up the stairs.


He was sitting on the bed with his head pressed against his knees. "Reg." he didn't respond, didn't even look up. Just stayed silent. I could see him slightly flapping his hand about. He was pretty much shaking. "Hey, Reg, whats wrong?" I sat next to him and put my hand around his shoulder. "Hey, hey, deep breaths." He wouldn't respond to me. "Regulus?" I just put his head on my shoulder and he started to calm down a bit. I started playing with his hair, something he'd do to me when I was upset. He was still not talking, but I could feel him breathing better. I reached out for his hand and he grasped my hand, as if hanging on for dear life. "You okay?" He just squeezed my hand in response. "You don't have to talk if you're not up for it." He had a small smile on his face. "So, you're going to see 'the vipers' as Sirius calls them" he sat up and looked at me, slightly worried. "Are they going to do something to you?" he just looks down. "I'll wait until you come back, and then I'll try and fix you right up, hows that sound?" he smiled at me again. He lay his head on my lap and I began playing with his hair again. There was no talking, but I think I know what he was trying to say.

After a while his mark started burning, his whole wrist turned red. He got up and went not the bathroom to get dressed. He tried putting his hair up, but it honestly looked terrible. I offered to help, but he still wasn't speaking. He just nodded his head. I fixed it and put his wand in it, to help keep it firmly there. He smiled at me and sat down. "You have such a nice smile." He turned crimson and looked away. It was 18:48. He looked at the clock for a few seconds and then looked back at me. He pecked my on the lips and then got up and left. I just hoped that he'd be alright there. A few minutes after he left Remus came over and sat down next to me. "So, he left then." "Yep." "You going to be alright?" "Why wouldn't I be?" "Its clear that you both like each other, its hard knowing that someone you care about has to go through that." "Im just worried for him." "Its okay to be worried Prongs." "I know." "Well, to get your mind off it, we've arranged to meet up with Mare, Lily and Marls, you up for coming to that?" "Sure, when are we leaving?" Aiming for about twenty five minutes, so you'd best get ready." "Alright, I'll just change my clothes." Remus got up and left while I grabbed some clothes from my dresser drawer.

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