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Lilith's POV:
    I scoffed at the figure rolling around on the floor before me. Quickly, I scanned the room: plants everywhere, a bay window seat, and a mediocre 32-inch television...not bad, I guess. My eyes swiftly darted to the brick accent wall, where the bed's headboard rested against. Hold on...
    My mind halted as if it had been frozen in a block of ice, and I felt my heart drop an unfathomable depth into a never-ending black pit, as realisation brutally crashed into me like a tsunami: there was only one bed.
    I choked on my saliva, and the noise appeared to have startled Hui Jie. She spun around, her sharp gaze piercing through my soul. I gestured toward the bed, and a moment of understanding passed as I witnessed her expression turn to pure shock and disappointment. She jolted up onto her feet.
    "Why is there only–" she sputtered.
    "Thanks, Captain Obvious. What are we going to do now?" I groaned.
    Hui Jie sunk onto the bed like a deflated balloon, burying her face into her hands. After thinking for a while, she spoke up.
    "I'll sleep at the bay window then. We could request an extra pillow and blanket," she stated, her voice hoarse, "you take the bed."
    Fine with me. I opened my luggage, pulled out a towel and a new set of clothes, and entered the bathroom.
    I sighed and rested my clothes on the shelf perched highly on the wall. Staring into the mirror, I undid my hair, allowing my locks to unwind and fall slightly above my chest. Placing my hands on either side of the basin, I stared at my reflection for a few moments, pointing out and dwelling on every flaw on my face; how my nose was asymmetrical; how my cheeks were too round. I felt my eyes sting and hurriedly rushed into the shower, turning the handle and feeling the rivulets of hot water run through my hair as steam soon clouded the glass barrier and mirror.
    I emerged from the bathroom, my hair wrapped in a towel bun, to see Hui Jie at the bay window fumbling with a package of...what seemed like rice. As though she had read my mind, she waved the package in the air.
    "Mango sticky rice. The staff sent two of these up. They're complimentary," she grinned.
    Oh, how I love her dimples.
    I sat down next to her, and she handed me my portion of the food along with plastic utensils.
    "Don't get the seat dirty," she warned, "I'll be sleeping here, remember?"
    I rolled my eyes, hungrily digging into the sweet yellow flesh of the mango.
    Soon, Hui Jie passed out, and I dragged my feet to the bed before following suit as well.
    And that was our first night in Chiang Mai.

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