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Hui Jie's POV:
    I woke up before my alarm rang. Rubbing my half-closed eyes, I slowly widen them as I sat up. I stared at the curtain of the bay window billowing in the wind for a while; it was still dark outside. I watched as the swaying trees casted colossal, monstrous shadows all around the room, shadows that seem to be creeping closer and closer, their claws drawn, ready to strike. I shuddered. I really should stop imagining things. As I stared into space even longer, my mind cleared up. Which was horrible because the realisation dawned on me that I was not sitting at the bay window. I leapt off the bed. I've been sleeping next to Lilith this whole time.
    I heaved as my stomach somersaulted relentlessly. Minutes ticked by and soon I realised that I have been staring at Lilith for so long that if taken out of context I would've appeared like I wanted to murder her in her sleep. I sighed and sagged down the wall, grabbing my phone off the end table to check the time. 6.34 a.m.
    In a trice, a loud notification sounded, scaring me out of my wits. Irritated, I opened it.
    Good morning class, as mentioned yesterday on the bus ride home, we would be visiting the Wat Umong Temple to learn more about Buddhism. Kindly get ready and assemble at the lobby by 11 a.m. Please bring along writing materials as we would be needing them for the activities planned. Once again, let's all be considerate and show up on time! It is a good habit to—
    I blinked hard and shut off my phone. She's still lecturing us on being timely, even during the break of dawn? Unbelievable. Well, might as well get ready now. I grabbed my towel which was bundled in my luggage and wandered blindly into the bathroom, fumbling and feeling around the walls for the bathroom's light switch along the way.
    After my shower, I got out of the bathroom, my hair still dripping with water. Turning the corner, I caught a glimpse of a shadow sitting in the dark.
    "Holy shi–", I yelled.
    "Chill out, it's just me," Lilith said, turning on the bedside lamp and rolling her eyes.
    I groaned, "What were you thinking, sitting in the dark like that, you could've given me a heart attack. Gosh, what is it with things scaring me this early in the morning? I swear, one more time something like this happens and I'll kill m–"
    I paused.
    "Why are you staring at me like that?" I demanded.
    "Maybe it's because you only have a sports bra and shorts on!" she retorted.
    Oh shit. I felt my face go warm. I hadn't realised. I had assumed that since it was still early and Lilith hadn't woken up, I would be able to change outside the bathroom. Like lightning, I threw on the shirt in my hands.
    "So what?" I mumbled, "perv."
    Lilith's face turned beet red. 
    "W-whatever," she muttered, before regaining her composure and strutting into the bathroom with her head held high.
    I smirked. I turned on my phone to check the time: 7 a.m.
    I flopped back on the bed, and my mind wandered back to the events of last night, namely the part where I snooped through Lilith's phone. Hm, judging by her reaction just now, was it possible "HJ" referred to me?
    I clicked my tongue in annoyance: why was I even hopeful?

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