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Lilith's POV:
    I let out a small chuckle seeing Hui Jie so flustered, she could be so adorable sometimes. I added some finishing touches to my makeup before heading out.
    "What do we need to bring today?" I asked the figure sitting cross-legged on the bed.
    "Hm..." she hummed, checking her phone, "An umbrella, water bottle, sunscreen, a pen, and your wallet and student ID of course."
    Rummaging through my luggage, I fished out all the items Hui Jie had listed, stowing them away safely in a small bag.
    "We still have 45 minutes for breakfast," Hui Jie added, "I saw a cafe downstairs yesterday, want to try it out?"
    "Sure," I said, walking towards the door and pulling it open, "after you."
    I bowed sarcastically, watching Hui Jie exit the room soundlessly.
    Throughout the short trip to the cafe, I followed Hui Jie like a lost puppy. Everything seemed so foreign, the customs here are just...different than those back home. Since I was busy looking around, I had not noticed that Hui Jie had stopped walking. Subsequently, I crashed headfirst into her back. I felt myself tumbling backward and braced myself for the impact when I ultimately landed on the floor. Just that, the impact never came. I opened my eyes and met face-to-face with Hui Jie. Her hand was placed on my back, shielding me from falling any further. I felt time pause as I gazed into her eyes, every passing second dragging on longer and longer. The happenings around me seemed to turn fuzzy as Hui Jie was the only thing that was clear and sharp-edged. I examined her face which was so close to mine, yet so far. I felt my heart jump.
    All of a sudden, Hui Jie pulled me up and let go of my back. Time resumed, though now I felt the acute awareness of the gawks of people around us.
    "You okay?" Hui Jie voiced out uncertainly.
    Blinking my eyes hard, I straightened my posture. I felt myself blush furiously.
    "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I babbled.
    Saying that I marched into the cafe.
    I settled down with a caramel soufflé and Hui Jie sat down across me with pathongko, a type of doughnut.
    "Now tell me," she said, leaning over the small rounded table, her chin resting on her hand, "what was that all about?"
    I bit the inside of my cheek seeing the stupid smirk plastered on my face. I bowed my head, embarrassed.
    "Nothing, idiot," I murmured.
    Hui Jie giggled before taking a bite of her doughnut.
    "If you say so," she said nonchalantly, "darling."

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