Chapter 32

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This night proved to be more difficult than the former one for her. Even though her mother was fine now and had been discharged from the hospital, she still denied to let Nisha meet her. And she was holding back here since she didn't want her mother to get sicker seeing her face.

Their reception had also been delayed for a week for Tabinda's health reasons. Ruhaan was furious at this wait but he had to keep quiet here.

And right now as well he wasn't able to sleep due to that girl's sobs which unknowingly were working as a hammer on his heart. Nisha didn't want to cry. Last night as well it disturbed Ruhaan's sleep but her tears weren't listening to her. The misery was doubled this time; her mother's health and her disowning Nisha. 

Ruhaan clenched his jaw to control that stupid emotion again. He couldn't name it. It was vague, utterly disturbing; every time resurfaced when this girl cried. He took a deep breath and changed his side only to meet her teary face in the subtle darkness of the room. The moonlight was making them visible to each other and the tears on her cheeks twinkled like diamonds. He was stunned noticing this modest beauty.

He abruptly raised his hand towards her face and wiped her tears which were testing his patience. "What is it now?"

This question didn't come off as a display of irritation as he initially speculated. It was a simple one which had a sprinkle of care and worries in it; totally opposite of what Ruhaan wanted.

It was turning into a lost battle for Ruhaan. He was doing things that he never intended to do. But right now, he was too engrossed in her to understand this. 

Nisha swallowed hard and ran her palm on her cheeks. She was again disturbing his sleep. Sniffing, she sat up and regarded his face, fearing an outburst from him for being this annoying.

"I am sorry. You should sleep. I...I will go to the terrace," she mumbled and tried to get out of bed only to get stopped by Ruhaan's hand on her wrist.

He jerked her towards himself and she like a broken trunk of the tree, landed on top of him. She looked at him with wide eyes. Ruhaan's gaze roamed on her hair tied in a loose ponytail which was failing to wrap her silky hair. Instead, a few strands fell on both sides of her face with this movement done by him.

He tugged her hair behind her ears and she trembled under the touch of his cold fingers along her hot temple. Unknowingly he got mesmerized to find his effect on her. Ruhaan reached the back of her head and gently took out her hair band, causing her sleek black hair to spread around her face, making it glow like a moon surrounded by clouds. He ran his fingers through her hair to find them extra soft and silky.

He never touched any woman but right now this girl was making him lose himself. He was always a controlled person; a workaholic and a goal-oriented who never liked any distractions in his work, meals, and sleep. But Nisha proved to be a sweet distraction.

Ruhaan got captivated by her. How beautiful was she? And along with being attractive, she was pure and soft-hearted. So fragile like a snowflake. Someone he wanted to protect for the rest of his life. Someone he wanted to love till his last breath. He raised his hand and cupped her right cheek which was wet from tears. He softly caressed the satiny skin, causing her once again to tremble due to his sensual touch. And he wouldn't deny it was the best experience in his life to find her giving raw reactions to his touches.

"Wouldn't tell me?" He whispered.

She scrunched her nose. It was a big blessing for her that Ruhaan wasn't angry with her crying. "I...I am unable to sleep."

Ruhaan's eyes fell on the fair skin of her shoulders peeking through the slit of her white dress. In white, she was looking so pure and innocent.

Sleep was also deprived of Ruhaan's eyes but the reason was not the same as hers. His desire kicked hard at this part of the night when she was this near to him.

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