💟Bonus Chapter 3💟

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The day had also come for which Ruhaan was planning to make it perfect for his dear wife; their second wedding anniversary.

When he took Nisha to a restaurant whose every table he had booked for this evening, her eyes teared up to see the magnificent decoration. Everything was adorned in purple color; be it ribbons, lights, or balloons. It was her favorite color and Ruhaan made sure to make this day memorable for her. And then her favorite red roses on each table did the rest of the work.

Her mind suddenly went back to the last year when she was so uncertain of her future. She was thinking that she had to leave Ruhaan but here, he was all hers.

"Happy Anniversary Nisha," he mumbled. He didn't say the number because it would open sorrow in between the happiness. He just wanted them to savor this time as the day they got united by every means.

She was wearing a silk dress of black color having silver embroidery on its neckline and borders. While Ruhaan was looking dashing as usual in his black suit.

Her eyes were glistening with tears and she rushed into his arms. "Same to you, Ruhaan," she whispered, still tightly hugging him.

He smiled and dropped a kiss on top of her head. But soon he realized, she was sobbing. He pulled her away from his chest and cupped her face. She was crying.

"Nisha, my love." He often used to call her my love. And hearing this from him at this moment, made her tear up more.

"Sometimes it feels it's all a dream," she murmured scrunching her cute nose.

Ruhaan wiped her cheeks. "A beautiful dream which came true, indeed."

He reached for the back of her head and tilted her face up before claiming her lips for a kiss. He softly caressed her torso which made Nisha moan. Peppering small kisses on her lower lip, he left her mouth and lovingly looked at her.

"Come on, let's cut the cake." He snuggly held her hand and led her towards the table where a big cake was placed.

They cut the cake, ate the dinner,  and then Ruhaan gifted her a delicate yet beautiful gold chain having the first letters of their names scribbled on it as R and N with a cute heart-shaped design in between.

And it was certainly true. Ruhaan loved his Nisha to bits.


After they reached home, she sneaked into the kids' room to find them sleeping. She sat on the edge of the bed and softly caressed Eshal's cheek while brushing fingers the other hand in Aliyan's hair.

"Mumma..." Eshal spoke in her sleep, grabbing her finger.

"Yes, Mumma's heart?" She bent down and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

She whimpered but Nisha quickly cuddled her small body. "Mumma is here with her Eshal." She then pecked her chubby forearm. "Just sleep. Mumma is right here with her baby."

She stretched on the bed beside her babies and held Eshal in her embrace while softly stroking her hair.

Could life be more beautiful than this? Nisha thought. And the answer was no. Ruhaan and their children made her life incredible and she was delighted in their little happy world.


             💥 Three (3) Years Later 💥

"Ruhaan," Nisha called him as she came into the bedroom where she could see him sitting on the bed, busy with his laptop and files.

Ruhaan had to go on a business trip to Switzerland for ten days and on Nisha's wish, he took her and the kids with him as well. She recently got freed from her second last medical year and she wanted to enjoy the time with her family. And Ruhaan's tour seemed like a nice way to do that. Even though he was there for work but somehow, he pulled some time to spend with them.

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