Chapter 43

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Her highlighter was moving hurriedly on the paper. Tomorrow was her entrance test and she was preparing hard for it. She wanted to give her best and became a better version of herself by standing on her own feet.

"Nisha Api, have some rest now. You have been studying since night," Unaiza couldn't stop herself from pointing her out, seeing her taking deep gasps after every second. She came here yesterday as Tabinda has asked Aqia to send her for some days.

Nisha shook her head. "I am fine. It's almost done anyway."

Unaiza sighed and walked towards her study table. She regarded her tired face quietly. Since she heard about Nisha's pregnancy, two different kinds of emotions were occupying her head. She would be able to hold a cute baby but also, it had cost Nisha so much. Giving birth to the child of a person who was never sincere with you, would not be easy for her.

Nisha noticed her beside her and lifted her head. "What happened?"

"Will you really proceed with divorce now? I mean after this news," she asked.

Nisha dropped the highlighter on her book. "My decision never changed, Unaiza. This baby also can't change it."

"How will you live like this? The string with which he can bind you to himself, which Khala Ammi was talking about, has come to reality. He can blackmail you however he wants. I feel like surrendering to his demands seems the best choice now," Unaiza said.

Nisha narrowed her eyes. "Surrendering is never the best choice, Unaiza. Ruhaan had wronged me and I will rather die than make him happy by showing I am weak. I will make my baby my strength."

Unaiza swallowed to make her dry throat wet. "You are very strong. If I were in your place, I wouldn't have been appearing this steel-like. I would have given up. I am weak. So weak."

Nisha stood up and patted her cheek. "Neither you are weak nor I am strong yet. My biggest strength will be getting Ruhaan out of my heart which seems out of the question. He has penetrated my whole being like he has always been a part of it. Whatever I am doing is all situation driven."

Unaiza bobbed her head in denial. "You have gotten that strength, Nisha Api. Since you are capable of overpowering your hate for him upon your love. If you would have acted upon your heart, this pregnancy news and his constant denial of divorce would have wavered your feet. But me," she sneered. "I can never win against my heart. It's my biggest weakness."

Nisha looked at her confusedly not understanding what she meant. She would have asked her but Tabinda entered the room, her eyes spilling daggers that only Nisha could see. She knew the reason so she mentally prepared herself. Taking a deep breath, she again got herself busy with her books.

Her mother looked at Unaiza. "Unaiza love, will you bring milk for your Nisha Api? It's her medicine time."

"Okay, Khala Ammi,"  Unaiza replied politely and left the room.

Tabinda scrutinized her for a moment before standing in front of her. "May I know why did you agree to meet him?"

Nisha looked up. "To tell him everything."

Tabinda gasped. "Are you mad? It's like you are igniting the fire in a room and locking yourself in it to get burned alive."

Nisha shook her head. "It's not like this, Ammi."

"Nisha, Nisha..." Tabinda ran their fingers through her hair in frustration. "He will use it against you."

"So what?" Nisha shrugged. "I am prepared for everything. Why do you think I will keep this news away from him and the world like a coward? Did I sin? It's his child and he should know this."

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