Chapter 54

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It was a hot day of summer when Nisha decided to bathe the twins. She picked the two cute baby baths that she purchased when she went shopping with Ruhaan and went into the washroom. Dragging the tub beneath the tap, she placed a blue-colored bath in it and waited for it to fill before replacing it with a pink-colored bath.

Leaving the faucet open, she walked into the room to pick up her babies in either of her arms.

"Your bath time, sweeties," she smiled cheerfully and carried them back into the washroom. But what awaited her was going to be so awful.

The baby bath was nearly full. Nisha tugged it away from the stream of water before reaching over to close the tap. But nothing happened.

So finally what she was dreading for months occurred.

The faucet kept rotating without tightening. Nisha's eyes widened in horror. What she was dreading finally happened that too at such a worst time. She quickly put the tub beneath the running water.

She rushed back into the room and put the twins in their cribs before going to her mother's room. Tabinda's breath stuck in her throat getting this information. What would happen now? She too tried her hand at the task but all in vain.

"I think we should call a plumber now," Nisha pointed, exhausted by everything.

"Which plumber will come this quickly? Besides what would we do in the meanwhile waiting for it? Letting the water run and waste like this?" Tabinda raised her worry.

Nisha exhaled in dismay. The bath of her babies also became sour now.

"Why don't you bathe them already? I will try to close the tap in the meantime and call the plumber," Tabinda suggested.

Nisha nodded lazily and just when she was about to have a look at her babies, the doorbell rang. After how many days, she heard its sound. And she understood right away who it would be.

His visit was pending for this weekend. Nisha sighed in frustration. He chose the most ridiculous time to show up. And now she thought she did a good job by making him sign that contract since every time her house decided to show its shortcomings in front of him.

Nisha opened the gate, revealing Ruhaan looking tall and handsome in his business suit.

"What's wrong? You look worried." How weird it was that he understood her mental situation by just a look at her face.

Sweaty, tired face, a miserable attempt to bind her silky hair in a bun which was making more than half of them fall over her forehead and cheeks and adorable eyes being so worried, was Nisha right now.

And it felt like she lost all her constraints when he asked her this. Her life wasn't being very easier lately. And now she was fearful of her room becoming a water land and all the water being drained out of their water tank.

"The tap broke. Will you fix it?" It was absurd that she was asking this from the rich, elegant businessman Ruhaan Sufiyan Ahmad whose face and attire even weren't matching with Nisha's demand from him. But right now he seemed like a knight in shining armor to her like he could bring her out of this compromising solution. Or perhaps she got a bit of backing seeing him at her door.

Ruhaan raised a brow. "Tap broke?"

Nisha nodded sharply and led him inside.

"Let me have a look at it. Which tap is it?" He asked when they reached the corridor.

He could call a plumber but he knew why Nisha was so anxious. The water would be wasted in the wait of the man. He wasn't the best one to ask this favor as he never came across anything like this in his life. But he wanted to try as Nisha had first time asked him for something.

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