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Aditya was furious at the way his wife left the event without telling him

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Aditya was furious at the way his wife left the event without telling him. Even furious at the driver for driving her home without his permission. She could have got hurt by any of his enemies, especially Karthik Mehra who was lurking in the shadows, waiting for a chance to strike at him.

He entered their room for the first time that week, wanting to warn her about the childish act she just displayed. She could never go out without security.

He pressed down the door handle but it was locked. He knocked. "Shradha?"

No response.

He knocked harder. Still nothing. He could hear movement behind the door.

"Shradha,let me in!" He hammered his fist against the door once more. He needed to see her with her own eyes, needed to make sure she was okay, unharmed. "I’m going to kick in the door if you don’t let me in."

"Shradha, open the fucking door!"
Finally, the lock was turned and he shoved open the door and stalked inside. Shradha stood in the center of the room, dressed in a silk nightgown, her eyes swollen and red. He moved towards her and grabbed her arm, needing to know why she just stormed off the event.

"Don’t touch me!" she shrieked, wrenching out of his grip.

"Don't play with me Shradha. My patience is wearing thin. Why did you storm out of there without telling me?"

Shradha glared at him, but behind the anger lingered deep hurt, and he didn't get it. "So now you are getting angry and impatient huh?"

"Do not use that tone with me." He rasped moving a step forward. He wanted to touch her arm, he fucking needed to make sure that she was okay. Seeing her wasn't enough to confirm she was unharmed.

She stilled at his touch, wanting to break down and cry but most importantly she wanted to know what her mother was doing with him.

"The old woman you were talking to, was she really my mother?"

Guilt flared up in his chest. She wasn't supposed to see that. She was never supposed to see that.
He had promised that she would be sheltered and treasured away from the bitter truth of her birth. She didn't know the dark side of her own family.

But he couldn't lie as well. She saw the scene. She knew her mother was alive now. No gaslighting was going to work on her now.

"Yes that was your mother. Mrs.Radhika Advani."

She took at few step back, with her lips slightly parted, at the realisation. Tears pooled up her beautiful brown eyes, and he wanted to wipe them away. He did not like it when she cried. It angered him more than anything.

"She. . .she's alive?" It did not feel like a question, but rather a statement that she said to herself. And she started trembling.

At her vulnerable state, something snapped inside of him.

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