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The three Kapoor brothers were rumoured to be ruthless, devils in suits, gentlemen at day and monsters at night

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The three Kapoor brothers were rumoured to be ruthless, devils in suits, gentlemen at day and monsters at night. It was no secret that the city knew about their dirty business, but neither did anyone complain, nor did anyone go against the Kapoors, except a new bastard named Karthik Mehra.

While Aditya's reputation was based on simmering rage, bold, reckless ideas that somehow worked, and the blunt in-your-face dealings of a warrior, the other Kapoor brothers had very different reputations.

Ashish was the crime family’s second-in-command, the underboss, the savage prince next in line to the family throne. Everyone called him the fixer because he was the one who cleaned up the other Kapoors' messes. Duty and family were said to be everything to him. To get to Aditya you had to get by him first—and little did. He was said to be meticulous, merciless, and deceptive in his dealings, and emotionless and icy cold.

The third brother, the illegitimate son, Arjun was known as the enforcer. People usually preferred to whisper his name. Unlike Aditya and Ashish, he held no right to the family throne because he was born out of marriage and according to the rules of the family, children born out of wedlock were of less importance but Aditya treated his little brother with no discrimination. He handled the darker side of the family business. He was in charge of security, collections, and he also ran the army of soldiers who served as the lethal arm of the Kapoor family. If, as an outsider, you had to deal with him or his men, you were already in big trouble.

"Aditya, I’ll need your okay to proceed with a new arms shipment. The buyer wants them immediately.” As predicted, Ashish cut straight to the topic not caring about the cause of their meeting. It was a usual for the brothers to get together on Saturday nights in the bar for a drink or two.

"I'll take a look into it." Aditya said drowning himself in more liquor. It was his second bottle of the night. 
Arjun knew a little about what was happening with his brother and his wife but he knew that it was not his place to interfere. So he sat quietly, pouring himself a glass, not really in a mood to indulge in conversations.

"What is up with you tonight?" Ashish asked not liking the way his older brother was behaving. He was never this loose. Arjun rarely ever spoke, so that was understandable, but Aditya loved their get togethers every once in a while. He would always crack some stupid jokes and get all of them laughing but tonight all he did was drink.

"Ashish, why do you think Karan cheats on Mrinal?" The question was sloppy from Aditya's mouth, the alcohol already affecting his speech.

"Ask him. I mean I wouldn't want to get married and settle for a single pussy for the rest of my life." Ashish let out a chuckle and sipped his drink but no one laughed along. Arjun was rather occupied staring at the ice cubes melting down in his drink while Aditya just stared at him with no emotions.

"Oh well, you are married. Shit I tend to forget about that. How is my sister-in-law?" Ashish smiled cheekly to Aditya who continued to glare at him.

Before Aditya could reply, Arjun's phone buzzed taking them all by surprise.

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