Chapter four - Offering a drink

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Age of Alex: 21 


For the first since a long, long time the sun was shining brightly again. On the seashore near York it was crowed, for the first since a long time again – but Alex didn’t really noticed any of it. He was located at Fleet Street now, in the crowed hole on earth called London. One big mess of hard working people. All through the heat of the sun. Around the score, people were walking, children were playing and the waves of the bruising sea were splashing against the rocks around. Some people were laying down on the golden colored sand, hoping they would be blessed by the sun with a tanner skin tone. Though you still weren’t really able to swim – unless you were able to resists the coldness of the wavy salty North sea - it was a wonderful good day with an extremely high temperature. There were barely these days in England that you could really feel the burning warmth of the sun. That you were able to dip your English-paled body into the salty water of the naked sea. Luckily one of these rare days arrived today. Everyone was cheering and celebrating the day with a smile, even those who had to work – except those cranky people who couldn’t stand the heat, but neither the cold. Alex – in contrary – was alone, hidden in his little apartment in an dark small alley near Fleet Street. No wonder they’d called it Fleet Street Alley. He had already left his elitist prestigious boarding school of his father for years now. He was twenty-one, in the prime of life – you would think. But instead of enjoying his prime of life he was alone, bathing in his misery, loneliness and insanity. Though he had hated, avoided and disgusted Nigel for all these years for never coming back – which was understandable of course since it was pure bollocks – he still thought about him. Practicably every day – though he didn’t wanted to. He also had took the skull of Susan Mueller with him. A “voice” had told him to guard the skull, as it would be the bringer of all power. He could do nothing more but taking it with him. His only little piece of hope he had left to get his eternity. The things Nigel had promised him before he killed himself. All these years he had carried it with him, showing some kind of hope, but also weakness. Somewhere he still believed everything that Nigel had once said. But it was obvious he did. Just like it was said, it was the only thing left that could bring back the power and energy in his life. The story about the Templars, Maraclea, the eternity Nigel had promised him. He believed it all, still without himself wanting it. He had to, he thought by himself.

Alex had his fingertips wrapped around the lockers of the little chest which was lying on his lap. His lips were parted as he stared at the empty fireplace at the end of the room. There was nothing to see in there, though. He inhaled deeply, trying to sort his thoughts. Again his head had been a big mess. He slowly extended his arm and brought his hand towards his mouth. Between his fingers he carried a burning cigarette. As soon as the cigarette had reached the space between his lips, he inhaled deeply, allowing the smoke to fold itself around the inner sides of his lungs. He felt an itchy cough coming up, but he didn’t allowed it to escape his throat so he held his breath. He started to smoke a couple of months ago, when he was on his way traveling for a new home. He had met several people. He had killed several people. All because he couldn’t find his new home and he had no idea where he belonged. Smoking was a thing that came with it, since he had visited lots of bars to waste himself. They smoked there quite often. And once he got an offer to take one, a cigarette, he had took it with both of his hands. What did he had to lose? Nothing. He knew it could be quite handy. The crave for caffeine. It would maybe help him forget those things about Nigel. A few days ago he had met this girl, Isabel, at the square of a boarding school on the hill. They had talked for one minute, laughed, and smiled – till he got expelled from the school. It was a boarding school for girls. He knew she could be his salvation. His way to get rid of those homosexuality-thoughts. The odd gay visions he had from him and Nigel. He even dreamt like that. He knew he wasn’t about to get rid of those thoughts so easily, so he thought he could perhaps let them go away by wasting himself with women and alcohol. Tonight he would go back again, to the pub where the blonde girl from eighteen years old would wait for him so they could get to know each other. It was one girl of particular. She was a schoolgirl, from St Mary’s school – a boarding school for girls only. He had met her when she was sat in a St Mary’s-uniform. A grey skirt, while blouse and a black-beige tie. Her eyes had been pointed at Alex for a long time as he had passed the school on the hill. Of course he couldn’t have let her go since she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. She even defeated Susan with her blonde long ringlets who rested perfectly on her shoulders. Her green eyes where big and tempting at they had stared at each other for quite a long moment. They had decided to meet each other in the pub, tonight. They had communicated by letters and notes, the first few days. They hadn’t spoke yet, only for a minute when they first met at the finch. Tonight they would be together. They would be able to do more than just sending horny notes in secret through the breaks of school, when Alex was waiting for her near the finch. He would get arrested if the headmaster would catch him again, or any of their teachers.

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