Chapter 20 - Always Nigel

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It was then that Alex realized how withdrawn and stupid the answer sounded. The no which had escaped his mouth - way too quickly. It was more like he was questioning instead of answering Nigel. He hit down his eyes now and played with a napkin on his lap. God, this was uncomfortable and mean. It was almost unimaginable for him to realize Nigel finally got the whole point. Alex rolled his eyes now - more to himself - to show he didn't had to care about it. He would get Nigel back in time anyway.

It was a relieve for Alex that Nigel had shut his mouth during the continue of the dinner. As soon as he paid for the food, they went towards the nearest bus station and waited there for the bus to come. Alex was quite impatient now.

'We can. You need your shoes after all - and I don't want to be known as a guy who walks with a hobo.' Did he try to pay Nigel back by being mean now? Perhaps...

'Let's visit the mall quickly. We'll pass that place anyway. The library is near Rick's pub.'


Nigel merely smirked when Alex called him a hobo and decided not to answer on it. Whatever Alex said.. he still considered this round as won.

He nodded and got into the bus after Alex when it arrived. A few people seemed to notice he wasn't wearing any shoes but he bluntly ignored them and sat down near the window.

"So how do you feel now?"

he said, turning his face and torso to Alex the moment he sat down as well.

"Better?" Nigel did feel better. Though he also wasn't perfect yet it was perfectly visible he wasn't the mess he was this morning. Perhaps it was the breakfast or the pleasure he got out of finding out Alex' secret, but either way it had worked.


As soon as the bus arrived, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants and started to enter it. He looked over his shoulder at once, making sure Nigel was following him. He paid for them both and took place next to Nigel as soon as he sat down next to the window. Nigel didn't paid any attention to the people who stared at him oddly - because he wore no shoes - but neither did Alex.

'Idunno,' he answered quickly as he placed the back of his head idly against the backrest of the seat. He pursed his lips and swallowed, turning his head towards Nigel's as he inhaled deeply. 'Not better, no. I feel fucked up. Who knows what we'll have to pay for that damn car, and what if we can't get the car back? I mean, I don't have the proof that the car is mine. Rick has the vehicle registration. I can't tell him what happened of course.'

As soon as he noticed Nigel was actually pointing out at the fact he had found out about his secret, he sighed and shook his head.

'Don't try to cheer me up, please. I don't want to talk about it. It's your fault.'


Tilting his head to one side, Nigel leans back and settles into the chair, pursing his lips in the pondering way he did more often.

"Why can't you just tell him? If you'll pay for it, it doesn't matter, right?"

Of course it would say a lot about how Alex was handling Rick's property and it wouldn't be nice for Rick to find out at all. But for Nigel, who lacked the social capacity and just saw the material value of the car, this of course made no sense.

He chuckles and looks out of the window again.

"I didn't say anything to cheer you up and nothing to bring you down. If my thoughts annoy you, stop listening to them. ... And how is it my fault? You're the one who parked the car, not me."

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