Chapter 28 - Smooth kill

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Nigel looked at the window distracted for a moment, thinking how the rain could be very convenient. It would wash away their footsteps outside, if they even left any.

He quickly focused his attention back on Alex, though, when he asked if he was sure. The way he asked him made his eyebrows pin into a frown.

"Yes.. Why would I say it if I wasn't?"

He had no idea what Alex had on his mind right now. He didn't have access to his thoughts anymore. And Nigel simply hadn't thought of it himself. He was convinced he died for the both of them. He was sure they both had eternity and so Alex wasn't aging either. He had marked the more adult-look on Alex had just come with the life-experience he had.

He wasn't quite convinced Alex had asked it for no reason, but he also didn't think it was important enough to press on about.. - though it obviously was, he couldn't know. So he allowed Alex to pull him back up with him and smiled at him again.

"I'll clean all this.. How about you look around the house in the meanwhile.. If you want of course. Or go to bed. I'll be right up as well."


Alex followed Nigel his glance to gaze out of the window as well. He inhaled deeply, allowing the fresh air - which came from through the open window - to captivate itself in his lungs. It was funny how Alex thought about exactly the same. It could be in advantage for them - since it would blur out the footprints if they had made them.

'I don't know,' he answered obscure. 'Your right. It's just-' He smiled for a second and shrugged his shoulders. He wore the same attitude at he had four years ago, when he asked Susan out. Withdrawn, sweet. 'Forget what I said.'

For a second, Alex his glance dropped down on the lifeless body from the guy again. He pursed his lips disgusted. Alex imagined them completely different, thirty years from now. He didn't even really knew what to think about it. What would they do, for eternity? Would they keep making sacrifices? Getting those things which they deserved? He couldn't know, of course. But he wanted to, so he had to get his eternity as well.

'You sure you don't need any help with this?'

My question was actually incredibly stupid. Of course he were. I knew how critically and thoroughly he could be - especially when it came on cleaning up messes. I knew the most about that - the way he managed that whole year of school to keep his murders in secret, making sure about the fact I was about to get seen guilty for it.

'Because if not, I'm going to take a nap as you said. Dreaming about something fun or so...'

Alex chuckled and stepped over the dead corpse so he could walk towards the door. Suddenly he stopped walking, and frowned his brows.

'Things have been tough lately for dreamers. They say dreaming's dead, like  no one does it anymore. It's not dead, it's just that it's been forgotten. Removed from our language. Nobody teaches it, so nobody knows it exists. Dreamers are banished to obscurity.' Alex turned his head for a moment, searching for Nigel his eyes as he sank into his own thoughtful sentences. 'I'm trying to change all that, and I hope you are too. By dreaming, everyday. Dreaming with our hands and dreaming with our minds.' He sighed and narrowed his eyes now. 'Our planet is facing the greatest problems it's ever faced, ever.' He succeeded to show a smile for now. 'So whatever you do, don't be bored. This is absolutely the most exciting time we could have possibly hoped to be alive. Things have just started for us.'


Nigel studied Alex carefully. He recognized the behavior that was quite charming, but he didn't understand it.. It didn't fit the moment. And yet it was not a bad attitude.

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