Chicago - Part III

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"Dr. Halstead, may I have a word with you?" Goodwin asked the young ER fellow, pointing at her office.

"Of course," Will beamed from where he was talking with Maggie by the nurses' desk. "Did something came up? Do I have to change the date of my trip?"

Will asked Sharon as soon as he entered the room, taking the chair opposite to her desk. That's the only thing he could think of as to why she had called him as his shift had finished. Ever since Will had come to Chicago he had had an exemplary record, being an incredible Resident Chief and later an amazing fellow, though he still had a whole another year before he could become an attending.

"No, you and your boyfriend are good to go," Goodwin smiled at the doctor. "You are going to Ireland, right?"

"Yes, Buck is taking me and my family, my dad and brother, to Dublin, the Cliffs of Mother, Killarney National Park, Glendalough, and Galway City," Will informed her with excitement.

"I am so happy for both of you," Sharon smiled at Will in kindness, she sees all of the poeple working under her like family- but Will was especial, he was like another son to her. She was happy he had found someone he loves, especially someone as good as Firefighter Buckley. "What I wanted to talk to you about is that your first year as a fellow is coming to an end, and I would like to offer you an attending position for when you come back from your vacation."

"An attending position? But I still have another year as a fellow," Will was stunned by the offer.

"Well, you don't really need it," Sharon replied. "You have the abilities to work without supervision, capable of directing others in emergency situations, as proven in your year as Chief Resident, not to mention that your trick of feeling what patients might be ill with through touch, is a especial one."

"Yeah, Dr. Bella Rowan was incredible," Will smiled in nostalgia of his old teacher.

"We even got an offer of founding for this method, and they are asking for you to lead it," Goodwin informed him.

"Really?! They are taking Dr. Rowan's technique forward?" Will was so happy and proud that he would be the one doing it.

"Yes, as you were the only one Dr. Rowan taught, Dr. Rhodes got in contact with old patients and friends of Dr. Rowan and made this happen," Sharon told him with a gentle smile.

"Connor did?" Will was shocked by this piece of information.

Yes, their relationship was way better than before. Buck made Will take his head out of his ass and apologize to Connor. They both formed a friendship afterwards, with a friendly and healthy rivalry- one that did not stop when Connor changed programs to become a surgeon.

Still, Will had not been expecting this.

"He did, and I aproved it," Goodwin told the surprised doctor. "However, what proved me that you are ready is how you reacted when the husband of that lady informed us that his wife had signed a DNR. Dr. Choi and Dr. Manning reacted unapropietly and continued to push the issue, but you stepped in and took control of the situation. You spoke with both the husband and wife and informed them about everything calmly, but when they still did not change their minds you let it be."

"Do not be too hard on them, they meant well," Dr. Halstead deffended his friends. "They do not date a first responder, filled with stories of how people react in middle of an accident. He also taught me that we should not take a choice like that from people. Because that's a choice. And the patients have the right to decide what to do with their own bodies. We are not God, we do not have the right to violate them like that. Even if it angers me and makes me want to scream."

"That's why I am offering you this opportunity," Goodwin smiled proudly. "Also, Daniel has told me how happy he is that finally one of the doctors took the decision of going to therapy just for the fact of staying healthy."

"Well, our jobs are stressful, we need all the help we can get," Will chuckled. "After meeting Buck and TK in New York, I realized I wanted to be as comfortable as they in their skin and in their lives."

"So, will you accept?" Sharon asked him.

"Yes, of course! To both offers!" Will laughed. "I'll have my lawyer contact the hospital to deal with the new contract and everything."

"Great, then I will not stop you any longer," Goodwim raised from her seat, alongside Will. "You better get going to your boyfriend."

"Not really, I was planning on hanging out with Jay, Buck is working a 24hr shift today," Will smiled, before shaking Sharon's hand and leaving the offer. He then saw Connor talking with April and headed there to pull Connor in a hug. "Thank you!"

"Ha ha ha, you are lucky Buck is not here to get jealous," April laughed. She was a good friend of theirs. Even though, her relationship with Kelly had not worked out, she, Buck, Will, and later Connor, had become a tight group of friends. "What is going on?"

"This beautiful bastard got me funding to continue expanding and researching Dr. Rowan's technique!" Will finally released Connor and turned to April with a smile.

"You did?" April turned to Connor with a raised eyebrow and a knowing look, before returning her gaze to Will. "How is Buck? One year anniversary, you must be excited!"

"Yes! Buck and I are celebrating before leaving for Ireland, it's gonna be a family trip!" Will beamed, totally oblivious of Connor's grimace.

"Family trip... your dad must really like him," April mussed, patting Connor in the arm, as he sorted through the papers before her.

"Yes, at first he was totally against him... and me being bisexual," Will sighed sadly at the memory, smiling at Connor when he placed a hand on his shoulder in silent support. "But then Buck dragged me and Jay into dad's house, and had as all screaming at each other. Letting out everything we were keeping inside. I didn't realize how much my dad loves me or how much it hurt Jay when I left... he thought I had abandoned him. We are better now, slowly repairing our relationships. Though, I still have not gotten them to see a therapist. Stubborn irish men!"

"Look whose talking!" April and Connor said at the same time, chuckling. "Jinx!"

"Children! I am surrounded by children!" Will complained, but he was laughing. Then, it happened, the doors of the ER burst open and the paramedics rolled in the body of a firefighter. "What... Dawson? What's going on?"

"Will..." Dawson's face was pale as she looked at the doctor.

"No... no!" Will screamed as he pushed forward, but got stopped by Connor. "Let me go!"

"Stop! You know this won't help! Let me do my job! You need to leave, now!" Connor told him firmly, before turning to April. "Take care of him."

"Of course," April answered softly. "You save him, save our friend."

Connor nodded firmly, before turning around and going to tend Buck. April dragged Will out, to the waiting room.

"Buck..." Will sobbed in desolation.

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