Chicago - Part VII

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"Cheers!" Jay, Will, and Buck, cheered as they clinked their beer bottles.

"Would you believe we are finally here?" Jay commented. "Five years since we saw each other in this bar, we were a firefighter that had recently had his shielding ceremony, a detective, and a resident doctor. Now I am a sargent, not even working at the Intelligence Division anymore, my brother is the Chief Of Emergency Medicine, and Buck is now a newly appointed lieutenant. In only five years people! Can you believe it?!"

"I think you've already drank enough," Will laughed at how giddy his brother was acting. "But yeah, it's been quite a few hectic couple of years."

"I'll miss this... I'll miss all of you..." Buck kissed Will, it was bittersweet... they were parting ways in a couple of months.

"You've found a family here Buck," Will told his boyfriend, soon to be ex-boyfriend. "But Chicago has never really been your home, not like it is to us."

"It doesn't matter, you will always be my brother, it doesn't matter if you are sleeping with Will or not," Jay reassured Buck, who smiled back in gratefulness.

They continued drinking the night away, Will ended up having to take Jay back home in an Uber, while Buck took another to their... his apartment.

The following morning, he was greeted by the scent of coffee and pattisieres. Buck put on a t-shirt and headed towards the living-room, where he found Connor with his back turned to him. The surgeon was observing the various snow globes he had on the book-shelves alongside the various cooking books he had gotten from the various trips he has made.

"There are eleven," Buck said in greeting, startling Connor- who turned around in surprise. "One for each country I've been to, and yes I am counting the US as one."

"The one of the Edinburgh Castle is the last one you got right?" Connor commented.

"Yes, Will's choice from our last year vacation to Scotland," Buck answered, grabbing a croissant from the counter and served himself a cup of coffee. "We will get one about the London Eye when we go to England next month."

"Nice," Connor turned to the open kitchen and pointed out the fridge. "Now that's what surprised me. A magnet of every city, town, and national park you've visited. I knew you traveled, but I've never known how much."

"I like to keep busy," Buck replied with a smirk.

"Don't we all know it," Connor chuckled. One minute of silence later, he looked away in sudden shyness. "Sorry I kind of barged in here, Will told me he was staying at Jay's and I thoughtwe could have breakfast together."

"I'm sorry about Robin," Buck told his friend.

"She got sick and now is better..." Connor dismissed it.

"But not better with you," Buck pointed out. "Though it doesn't feel like it bothers you so much." Connor looked up shocked, no one has noticed that before. "You tried too hard to make it work with her and I am sure you care about her a lot... but you never really moved on from Will, did you?"

"B-Buck... I... we've never..." Connor stuttered for a while, until Buck had pity on him.

"I know, I trust you both... but I think everyone knows that Will and I are better off as friends than romantic partners," Buck chuckled. "I went back to dating after TK because I thought that's what I had to do, the mature decision and my most logic next step, after my shielding ceremony. I've had secured a job and had gotten used to the new city, what should I've done next? Will was there, sweet, kind, compasionate, and intelligent. What else could I ask for? We had so much in common, the sex was great, and we got along incredibly."

"You both are a great couple," Connor admitted bitterly.

"Then, you came around," Buck pointed at the surprised surgeon with his cup of coffee, before taking a sip from it. "You lit a fire under him, pushed him in ways I've never been able. Yes, you guys bicker, argue, and fight, but it's filled with a passion we've never had."

"It does not mean we'll make a good couple," Connor told him softly.

"No, and if I had not forced you guys to find a middle ground and become friend first, your relationship, be it co-workers or simply friends or even more, it would have been a train wreak," Buck agreed. "But you did find that middle ground, and now Will will be living with you until he finds a place to stay."

"W-what?!" Connor exclaimed, hearing this for the first time.

"I offered to let him live in the apartment for free, he refused and had me put it in the market to rent it," Buck informed the doctor. "He'll need a place to stay," he looked at Connor pointedly. "So, offer him a place, and see where that takes you."

"Buck... are you..." Connor was unsure of what was going on.

"I stayed with Will because I have abandoment issues, the same reason he held on to me, because we were afraid to ruin our friendship and to sleep alone at night," Buck sighed. "Me moving to LA was the perfect excuse to break up friendly and without fear of repercution."

"I thought you accepted the job in LA because they offered you almost double pay and promised to put you in the fast track for captain," Connor commented numbly.

"That too, but it was not the only reason," Buck put down the cup on the counted. "Stop trying to distract me! Connor, I am giving you my blessing. Go for it! I won't be angry or feel betrayed. I support you."

"R-really?" Connor stuttered hopefully.

"Really," Buck smiled kindly, getting an armful of an emotional surgeon.

"I love you," Connor mumbled against Buck's shoulder.

"Love you too, buddy," Buck answered back, holding him tighter.

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