Chicago - Part IV

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"How is he?!" Kelly demanded to know as he came to a stop in the waiting room.

"He's still in surgery," Dawnson answered, when Will seem to be unable to.

"What happened?!" Will stood up and got on Kelly's face. "The girls could not tell me."

"We had an ambush," Kelly sighed, throwing himself on a chair. "We got a 9-1-1 call that an abandoned factory was on fire, but that a group of teens had sneaked in before the fire spread." Kelly rested his face on his hands and groaned. "When he got inside, Buck realized that somethings was off. There were chemical compounds laid around the center of the factory, so when one would detonate the next would... a chain reaction."

Everyone gasped in horror. "There were never teens trapped," April was horrified. "They lured you in with that 9-1-1 call to blow you up."

"Yes... Buck stopped it, he realized that the moment you take one of them out, the chain would become useless," Kelly continued. "While we were leaving the structure of the building collapsed, Buck pushed Cruz out of the way and got knocked out."

"Well, that would explain the concussion," Connor commented as he strutted towards them. Everyone jumped off their seats and turned to him in worry. "Calm down! He is fine and will make a full recovery," everyone sighed in relief. "He broke three ribs and has a concussion, which we will monitor hourly. But his worst injury was a stab wound on his shoulder which was in a precarious position that could have caused a permanent repercution. But the surgery was highly successful, there's nothing to worry about."

"Thank you!" Will gasped, bringing Connor into a tight hug, before collapsing on a chair.

"Can we see him?" Kelly inquired, with a relieved smile.

"Of course, but you'll need to wait for him to be moved to a private room first," Connor answered him gently.

"How are you?" April asked him lowly, as she moved him to the side, so no one would overhear him.

"I'll never operate on someone I know again," Connor confessed, hands trembling. "It was overwhelming, I was scared at every step of the way... it was Buck, April."

"I know," April told him empathicaly. "You did a great job."

"Thank you," Connor smiled softly at his friend. Then the rest of Fire House 51 burst into the waiting room, with Detective Halstead and Sargeant Voight. "He is fine and will make a full recovery," Connor informed them before anyone could ask the question.

Everyone sighed in relief, the tension and worry bled out of them.

"How long will he be out of comission?" Chief Boden asked the surgeon.

"By the time he returns from his vacation he'll be good to come back," Connor told them, turning to smile at Will, who was being held by his brother. "Especially, after being taken care of by his own personal doctor."

House 51 smiled at that.

"The bastard would have made it look as if it was an accident, and that the building collapsed because of the fire and weak infrastructure," Jay cursed. "We'll get them Will, I promise."

"How do you know that?" Casey demanded to know suspiciously. "The chemical compound that Buck rescued from the crime scene was only handed in now. You would have not been able to get the results, even if it was a rushed request."

Will turned to his brother in confusion. "Jay... didn't you tell Buck to be more careful on our last family dinner?"

"I... Will..." Jay stuttered, while Hank cursed behind him.

"Sargeant Voight, last month a firefight died in a scene that until that moment had been stable and two weeks ago a whole firefighting team fell victim to a false 9-1-1 call that ended up with a building collapsing on them," Chief Boden turned to the Head of the Inteligence Division with a borderline murderous expression. "I would like you to deny that you and your division whitheld this information from us." As one House 51 turned to the police officers, Will moving out his brother's hold. "Information that could gotten my rescue squad killed, if it had not been by one of my firefighter fast thinking. The same firefighter that has just left surgery. So, please Sargeant, deny this accusation."

"We had orders from above to keep quiet, so the bomber would not realize we are on them," Hank confessed.

"Son of a bitch!" Cruz shouted, grabbing Hank by the collar and pushing against a wall. Jay tried to aid him but Kelly got on his face, stopping him on his track. "My brother saved my life and he is now on a hospital bed because of you! You damn bastard! It was Buck the one who convinced us to give you a second chance when you return, and this is how you fucking pay him back?!"

"All right everyone let's calm down," Goodwin got to them with two security guards behind her.

"Let's talk, it's better than fists and something Buck would prefer," Daniel said lightheartedly, but his eyes were focusing on the situation like lasers, trying to find a quick way to defuse this situation.

"I like that idea," Will got up from his seat. "I need to talk with my therapist," he turned to Daniel. "Is Dr. Gonzales free?"

"Yes, she is," Daniel answered him softly, while Shanon looked at Will with pride.

"Will you tell me when Buck is up for visits?" Will turned to Connor, who nodded back, still stunned by what had just happened. Jay tried to reach for his brother. "Don't!" Will warned him, barely stopping himself from shouting. Jay flinched back from the glare he received from his brother. "You could have costed me my boyfriend, the guy that is your fucking friend! I... I cannot look at you right now... I'll call you later... just leave me alone..."

Everyone watched Will leave with a heavy heart, Jay has never seen his brother look so defeated. Not even when thier dad disowned him... twice! For leaving to med school and for being in a relationship with another man.

And it was all his fault...

"We had orders," Hank tried to defend their actions.

"Fuck your orders!" Mouch snapped at the Sargent. "Our firefighter, our boy could have died! The same boy who was jumping in excitement this morning because he got accepted into the Master Program in Enviromental Science and Policy, at the University of Chicago. That boy has such a bright future, and you could have gotten in the way of that!"

"He got in?" Jay whispered, shaking.

He remembers how nervous Buck had been when he told them about it. How Will had supported him and encouraged him. How Jay had looked at them and wished he could have something like that. A relationship that could have ended up in tragedy.

And it was all his fault...

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