Chicago - Part VI

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"So, where are you lovebirds going to this time?" April asked Will and Buck, who were cuddling in a booth at Molly's. April and Connor were sitting on the chairs on the other side of the table. "Two years anniversary, big thing!"

"It is, which is why Will will be moving in with me after we get back from our trip," Buck smiled at the redhead, who gently kissed the blond's forehead in return.

"That's great!" Connor told them, and this time he truly meant it- he was finally moving on from his crush on Will and even started to date Dr. Charles' daughter.

"We are going to Northern Ireland," Will answered April. "This time on our own. We'll visit Belfast, the Giant's Causeway, the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, the Carrickfergus Castle, Lough Erne, and the Dark Hedges."

"Always keeping busy, aren't you Master Graduate Buckley," April teased the blond, who preened.

The group of friends were out drinking in celebration of Buck passing his final exam to get his Ms in Enviromental Science and Policy from the University of Chicago. The doctors and nurse could not be prouder of the firefighter.

"It was a hard year, but totally worth it!" Buck cheered, taking a sip from his beer. "However, other than Spanish, I will not study a thing for years! I am done!"

"For now," the other three chored and chuckled, as Buck pouted.

"How are you paying for the trip if you are not touching the money you got from your grandparents?" April asked in curiosity. "It is not like being a firefighter pays a lot to take annual trips out of the country. Especially, since you had tuition fees to pay this year."

"I rented the house my grandparents left me in LA to pay for my Masters Degree and the rent from my apartment in Florida for the trips," Buck answered. "Not to mention, I am living on my own, other than my boxing and spanish classess I've got not much to pay for. So, I've got a lot of money saved up from my paychecks."

"I am so glad to know that I am not the only rich kid that knows how to manage money," Connor chuckled. "The rest of the trust fund idiots I gew up with, are dead broke right now and begging their daddy's for jobs... well, for more money. It's not like they've known a day's work in their lives."

"My parents are well-off for sure, but we are not rich," Buck corrected him. "Especially, nothing like your family."

Before anyone could say anything more, Will gasped, eyes widening, noticing who had just crossed the bar's door.

"TK," the redhead doctor whispered, tightening his hold on Buck.

"Hey, Buck, Will, how are you guys," TK walked towards them, as Connor and April turned in anticipation- they've realized this was Buck's ex-boyfriend.

"TK! How are you doing?" Buck stood up and hugged his friend.

"Great... not that good," TK admitted, noticing Buck's raised eyebrow.

"Come sit," Buck placed him next to a very uncomfortable Will. "What happened?"

"My fucking boyfriend of over a year cheated on me with his spinning instructor," TK confessed, ignoring April's hiss of underatanding. "I had to leave New York and take a few days off before I... well, before I relapse."

"Have you talked with your therapist?" Will turned to TK on full doctor mode. "Gone to a meeting?"

"Yes, I have, to both," TK assured him, assured them. "I am not tempted, not really. I was already thinking of breaking up with him. My parents never really liked him and he was kind of an asshole."

"Better finding out now than later," Connor commented, gaining a chuckle from TK.

"Right... but it's better to prevent rather than to regret," TK turned to Buck. "I was hoping I could stay over for the week end if you don't mind," he turned to Will. "If neither of you two mind... I just don't trust myself on my own right now..."

"Of course you can," Will answered empathically, not being able to refuse such a request.

"Why don't you stay with us? Will?" Buck turned to his boyfriend. Even though, Buck wanted to help his dear friend more than anything, he was not blind to his boyfriend's insecurities. "Better to have a doctor home in case if anything happens."

"I would love to," Will smiled, understanding what Buck truly meant with his request.

Suddenly, Buck had to stand up and take a call. It was Owen and Gwenyth.

"Is he all right?" Was the first thing out of Gwen's mouth, when Buck answered the call outside the bar.

"He is fine, he will be staying with Will and I for the week end," Buck assured the worried parents. "He did not seem to have consumed anything and says that he is not tempted but is taking preventive methods just in case... I trust him."

"Good..." Owen sighed, clearly relieved. "Good. Sorry, he kind of barged into your life with your boyfriend."

"Don't be sorry, he is one of my best friends, of course I am ok with helping him... as for Will, he will always be a doctor first," Buck chuckled. "By the end of the week end I am sure he'll be part of our group of friends. It is hard not to love TK."

"That it is," Gwen agreed, her tone of voice warm. "By the way, congratulations on your Master's Degree!"

"That's right! Well done, my boy!" Owen congratulated him as well.

As Buck was being congratulated and cheered on outside, inside the bar TK was getting to know Buck's new friends.

"So, TK, you are a firefighter too?" Connor asked, awkwardly.

"Ok, first of all, I am not in love with Buck anymore, so you can all relax. I did not come back to steal him away from the hot doctor," he winked at Will, who laughed relieved. "Of course, I love him. Buck makes it so easy to love him, but he is only my best friend now... a friend I needed."

"We understand," April told him empathically.

"And yes, I am a firefighter and a paramedic, I have double certification like Buck," TK answered Connor. "My dad is a captain, my captain really. One of the reasons I am allowed to suddenly skip work. His hovering, no matter how much I appreciate his care, would drive me insane."

"Don't I know it," Buck agreed, sitting next to Will and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "My Fire House treated my like glass for like a month when I returned to work after my injury last year. I almost snapped at them, luckily Kelly did it for me."

The table laughed as Buck told them what had happened. Then for the rest of the night they traded tales of the weirdest cases they've treated on the field and in the ER.

As, Buck had predicted TK fit in the group seamlessly.

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