Chapter 10 - Secret

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      "What exactly do you know?" he asks me skeptically, looking at me from under his eyelashes

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      "What exactly do you know?" he asks me skeptically, looking at me from under his eyelashes.

      I look at him confused, wondering what he could be referring to. What could I know about him more than the class he's in, the room he's in, and a few inferred characteristics, like impulsiveness and mischief? I also know that he is much more beautiful than I would like to admit, but I try as much as possible to bury this thought every time it rises to the surface of my consciousness. I've seen many shows and movies where I always found a handsome boy who immediately became my favorite, whether he was the main, supporting or episodic character, but none of them seem to embody Zayden's perfection. However, I'm not particularly pleased with his behavior, and this is compounded by the opinions of my roommates, so it has a big downside, which causes me to use a circumspect attitude around him, as well as the people who talked badly about him.

      "Do you think I'm the kind of person who has nothing better to do than gossip?" it's my turn to trip him up, though I don't seem to have impressed him in the least with my excess of boldness, as I did with Hale a week ago.

      The distance from my native lands is already taking its toll, so to some extent my behavior has undergone changes in some ways, especially in the way I relate to the people I meet. Hale has noticed the change since I first answered him sarcastically, he's not used to this side of me, which is actually very prominent. However, he was only surprised because he doesn't know me well enough to know that I acted extremely normal when our parents weren't around. As long as they are around, like Hale, I have to keep the image of the perfect child, even though they never detect it.

      I expect a positive response from Zayden, as I doubt he has a good opinion of me. Not that I care what he thinks about me... Instead, his answer does not hesitate to amaze me once again:

      "Not necessarily you. But one of your friends does," he says increasingly mysteriously, as if I've suddenly acquired mind-reading abilities.

      I don't know why he expects me to understand the meaning of his cryptic phrase. Harlyn and Raine have always avoided the subject of "Zayden", so it's almost impossible for them to let something so intimate about him slip, and Nevin understands that he can't tell one friend's secrets to another, not that he and Zayden are too close. So far, the blond has given me no reason to doubt, proving to be a loyal, honest and bouncy friend, the only chapter he still needs to work on is being honest about Harlyn, as he hasn't been able to confess to me everything about her. I'm his desk mate and the person he spends the most time with, and before I moved into boarding school, Nevin had only spent three days getting to know Lance and Luke. He didn't have time to learn a whole lot about Zayden, so I don't understand why he feels like Nevin could have snitched him in any way. And I equally doubt that Zayden would share such an important secret with a stranger. I consider him at least a man capable of using his brain to at least minimal capacity, enough to be aware that a secret is being entrusted to a person he trusts, and that trust is not built in a few days.

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