Chapter 44 - I want to explore

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      "I've made a list of books," I inform him

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      "I've made a list of books," I inform him.

      Zayden nods and subtly pulls me by the arm between two bookshelves. He peeks his head around the shelf to make sure no one is around, probably, then crushes his lips to mine in a kiss that conveys all his longing. I wrap my arms around his neck, wanting to deepen the kiss, and feel him smiling, but he breaks away almost immediately.

      "As much as I'd love this, we have work to do," he says, still smiling but with a hint of regret.

      He gestures towards the phone, and I hand it over, suspecting he wants to see the list for himself. Much easier than dictating to him. He pulls out a few books to check and compare the titles with those on my phone, but he doesn't seem to have much success. I wish I knew the titles by heart so I could help him and, consequently, not get bored.

      "The screen went off."

      "The password is one one zero nine," I tell him because I just sat down and don't feel like getting up.

      Zayden turns to me with a raised eyebrow.

      "Your birthday?" he asks incredulously.

      To be honest, I wasn't very inspired when I chose the password. I just wanted it to stop unlocking accidentally in my pocket because a few times I ended up sending nonsensical messages to contacts. I didn't have any other reason for the password; my close friends know it, although sometimes I regret entrusting this secret to Nevin.

     " Yeah, I didn't have any other ideas," I say, harsher than I intended, but Zayden doesn't take offense; instead, he laughs.

      He takes a break from pulling books off the shelf, just long enough to read the title, and then he comes towards me, handing me his phone. I furrow my brow and open my mouth, about to ask if he got the wrong phone.

      "Now that I have your password, it's only fair for you to have mine," he says.

      I hadn't considered it a big deal for him to have access to my phone because I'm not very attached to its content. I'd be afraid to lose only the photos and passwords; otherwise, I don't have compromising messages or anything I would regret if they were read—except for those with Zayden—or deleted. The apps can be easily reinstalled, and I don't have many notes because I'm more traditional and still keep a kind of journal where I jot down things of interest. I spend a lot of time on my phone, not because I need specific things from it, but out of boredom and a lack of occupation. Unlike me, Raine values all the messages, photos, and memories in it, so she doesn't allow just anyone access.

      I'm not yet sure which category Zayden falls into, but I tend to believe it's the second one, and that just makes me very happy because he trusts me. I've always wanted to be seen as a trustworthy person, someone with whom no one has any doubt about the ability to keep secrets.

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