chapter one

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once everyone had gotten comfortable the movie began:

Showing on the giant screen was a telephone ringing when a blonde girl answered "hello?"

"Hey, isn't that Casey Becker from English?" Sidney Prescott asked "hey, yeah it is!" Sidney's best friend, Tatum Riley responded. "Who would make a movie about Casey?" Morrigan Prescott, sister of Sidney Prescott, asked Tatum who shrugged helplessly "I don't know" while Stu macher and billy Loomis turned to each other in surprise knowing this was part of their plan.

a man answered "hello" "yes?" Casey asked "who is this?" the man asked "who are you trying to reach?" she replied "what number is this?" she heard him say, smiling, again she asked, "what number are you trying to reach?" "I don't know," he answered. "Well I think you have the wrong number" she explained, "do I?" he asked.

"is she this dumb?" Randy asked exasperatedly, "you don't answer the phone while you're home alone, you just end up dead!" Lily Potter and Molly Weasley then looked at the teenager with disapproval and anger for talking about death in front of children but Randy didn't care about the feelings of strangers he's never interacted with, so he just shrugged.

While Morrigan, who got angry at anyone for thinking anything bad about her best and only friend, glared at them making both women turn away, moral of the story Morrigan is extremely loyal and protective of her friends and she has a mean glare.

Casey smiled, amused, at the mystery man's antics before saying "it happens, take it easy" when she then hung up the phone.

"didn't she used to date Stu Macher? he loves horror movies, how could she not know this would turn out bad for her" Morrigan groaned at the screen, while Stu who overheard her, turned to squeal like a girl to his best friend, Billy loomis, everyone at their school knows, even being noticed by Morrigan is difficult but her remembering a fact about them is even harder, it's not that she thinks herself better than everyone it's just that if your not important to her she will remove you from her memory to make room for more important things, and it's practically impossible to befriend her because of how anti-social and unapproachable she is, many have tried but only randy succeeded no one knows why she let him get close but after a whole year of trying she started hanging out with randy more and more.

Casey had just turned around and taken a few steps before the phone rang again, turning around she took in a breath before picking it up again. "Hello?" she asked, anxiously, "I'm sorry I guess I dialled the wrong number." the same voice from before answered, Casey exasperated, chuckled a little before asking "so why'd you dial it again?" "to apologise," the mystery man said, still smiling Casey replied, " you're forgiven. bye, now." "Wait wait, don't hang up," the mystery man said quickly, "what?" Casey said, amused by the mystery man's antics " I wanna talk to you for a second" Laugh softly Casey replies " they've got 900 numbers for that. see ya." hanging up again Casey sighs before walking away.

"Does anyone else get the feeling the guy isn't going to give up or is it just me?" a random Ravenclaw student said, "shut up dumbass no one knows where this is going" said Ravenclaws friend, a Gryffindor responded, "shhh!" all the surrounding people shushed them for interrupting the movie/future.

The screen changes to a new scene taking place in the woods where they see a swingset swaying in the wind facing the back of the house.

all the light wizards got chills down their spine wondering the same thing 'was the person on the phone watching her?!' While the dark wizards were put on edge wondering if the man on the phone was a magical creature, all the 1st and second years were scared and all the upper years were trying to calm them down.

The teenagers who watched horror movies for fun at night just speculated if it was the wind moving the swing or the person on the phone, while Billy and Stu knew they were the person on the phone they did wonder if in the future they moved the swing or if it was just the wind.

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