you choose!!!

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I'm sorry to all the people who are waiting for this to continue but i have some news and i hope some writers can relate, but truthfully i don't have the same motivation to write for the harry potter fandom i guess.
i have recently gotten into DC or more specifically the batfam and have a different idea for it but i think i will write it first then publish it as i don't want the creative juices to get pressured out of me thus making the fic a steaming pile of burnt grammatical mistakes and errors, and i can also take my time to write it.
now i do need a bit of help as im not sure if more people would like for it to be another "watching the movies" as im not that good at that trope as i have come to realise or if it should not be "watching the movies".
i have two ideas for the fic and i would love for some feedback as to which one you people would like the most now, i don't wanna spoil anything so would you like

a fic with a big crossover
a fic with a big twist

i have only seen this crossover happen a few times in the way i wanna write this so i hope people will like it and for the second i haven't seen a fic with the twist i wanna do.
i equally love both these ideas and i would love to get both done but that's prolly not gonna happen so which would you guys like to see first?
sorry if your waiting on a new chapter of secrets under my bed, i hope ill get back into the fandom later in life and who knows? maybe ill get back into the HP fandom in the middle of my DC fandom phase but at the moment i know that i would like to write one of these ideas.
i have published this on both Wattpad and AO3 so if people actually comment ill go on both sites to tally it up, thanks for reading my fic and hope you'll let me know which DC idea you would like to see ,if you like my writing i guess.
the tally stops on 20/04/2023 if only one person commented then i guess i go with that persons vote.
thank you for your time and have a good night or day :)

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