Chapter 15

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How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard -Winnie the Pooh

If someone told Type a few months ago that he would literally meet the man of his dream and be swept away in an adventure of love, lust and danger, he would have them committed. Here he was, sitting beside his boyfriend as they found out that Erika and the Dark Dragon have disappeared after their army was destroyed and the survivors fled.

"I want them found" Tharn said.

"I have the best trackers on their trail and we should have them soon." Athena said.

"We have locked down the realm before the war so they have no where to go." Win said.

"Lock the dragon up but I want Ericka brought to me in the unbreakable chains." Tharn said.

"It will be done, Your Majesty" Athena said before bowing. Tharn excused them all, everyone but Win left.

"What's up" Tharn asked.

"Team has requested that Type visit him." Win said making Type chuckle.

"Requested, you mean told you to come get me or your ass is sleeping on the couch."

"If you weren't Tharn's mate I'd kick your ass." He said.

"And if you weren't Team's mate I'd kick your ass."

"That's enough children" Tharn said.

"Does he know about me?" Type said nervously.

"Yes, he wasn't totally happy about it but it was your decision so he respects it." Win said. Type looked over at Tharn who looked at him.

"It might not be the best way to see if myself control works in the human realm as well but it's the best we got, plus I miss Team." He said.

"It's up to you, I have to stay here but the guys will all be there." Type took a deep breath before nodding.

"I'll go" he said before standing. Tharn stood and kissed him goodbye before he joined Win at the portal Win had just opened. They both stepped through and before he knew it he was being crushed in a hug. He took a deep breath, pushing that part of him that wanted to sink his teeth into Team's neck and hugged him back.

"I've missed you" Team said.

"I've missed you too"

"You can't leave anymore, you must stay here with me." Team said pulling back.

"I can't stay here all the time since Tharn needs me to help run things."

"I need you more" Team said.

"Maybe once things calm down maybe I'll convince Tharn to let us be here more."

Hours had passed getting reacquainted with each other. As they sat on the couch talking about what's been going on, Type got this really bad feeling that something was really wrong. He zoned out for a second trying to reach Tharn through their bond but he hit a wall with that. He started to panic and stood up quickly.

"I have to go something is very wrong." He said to a surprised Team. He turned to Win who was looking at him curiously.

"Open the portal, something is wrong with Tharn."

"Even if there is I'm not going to let you-"

"OPEN THE FUCKING PORTAL!!" He said as his eyes turned red and his fangs descended.

"You aren't go with protection." Win said trying to stay calm.

"I can handle myself so open the portal." He said. All of Tharn's cousins stood before Korn opened a portal. Type was about go through it when Team grabbed his hand. Type looked at his worried friend.

"Be careful"

"I will try" he said before Team let go of his hand. Type immediately stepped through and was hit with the smell of demon blood. His eyes widened at the dead guards bodies.

"Tharn.." Type said before he used his super speed to get to the throne room. He stopped in the entrance to see a well built man standing beside a woman who had an unconscious Tharn up in the air by his throat. He heard the others behind him growl.

"Erika, put him down now or I'll fucking tear you to shreds." Korn said. Erika laughed but ignored him.

"Put him down bitch or you will regret it." Type said moving closer to them.

"Stop right there or I'll put my fist through his chest and pull his heart out." She said making Type stop.

"Fucking try and I'll rip your head off." Type growled.

"Oh you are a feisty one aren't you, no wonder Tharn is so smitten."

"And you are just as fucked up I thought you were, now put my boyfriend down."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." She said.

"You want the throne even though you weren't born a demon or into the royal family so why do you want the throne." Type said. He was trying to stall for time to figure out how to get her hand off Tharn's neck.

"The royal family are nothing but murders, his grandfather was a murderer, his father was a murderer and your precious king is a murderer."

"He hasn't killed anyone unlike you who massacred five villages." Korn said.

"Silence Young One" the buff guy who Type now identified as the Dark Dragon in human form. His voice made Type's skin crawl.

"Your ass is going into the artifact with the rest of your crew but this time there is no way out so I would shut up yourself." Pick said.

"Enough, let's finish this Alister" She said grabbing the stake from her belt and raising it up.

"NOOOO!!" Type said using his super speed to reach them. She was just too fast as she plugged the stake into Tharn's heart.

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